You’ve had a hand in shaping Vaughan

City of Vaughan
2021 engagement milestones presented in the City’s Stakeholder and Community Engagement Policy Update

Whether you’ve commented on the development of a new program, provided input on a plan, shared feedback on a policy, taken a survey or voiced an opinion in a public meeting – you’ve had a hand in shaping Vaughan. Community engagement is fundamental to the city-building process, and the City of Vaughan is dedicated to keeping this dialogue open, accessible, inclusive and transparent. An overview of engagement tactics delivered, industry best practices adopted and milestones achieved in 2021 are outlined in the City’s Stakeholder and Community Engagement Policy Update.

Some highlights are below:

Vaughan’s Stakeholder and Community Engagement Policy
In January 2021, Council adopted the Stakeholder and Community Engagement Policy (PDF) and a framework for planning and executing engagement processes at the City. This policy is a formal commitment to involving citizens, businesses and stakeholders in crucial conversations that will help shape the city they know and love. It was developed through extensive internal and external consultation, jurisdictional review and engagement benchmarking – it also adopts internationally recognized standards, best practices and methodology. Watch this video to learn more about the policy.

The Made-for-Vaughan Engagement Spectrum
The Made-for-Vaughan Engagement Spectrum (PDF) is a cornerstone of the City’s engagement framework and defines the level of public participation for any given project. Vaughan’s adapted spectrum includes three main levels of engagement: share information, collect and compile information, and bring people together. The latter two levels each have two sub-levels: listen and learn, and consult; include and co-create. Vaughan’s Engagement Spectrum defines the role of the public when they participate in City engagement activities. The spectrum is designed to help City staff determine the appropriate level of participation based on the input they need from the community. 

2021 engagement highlights
Through the approval of the engagement policy, the City has made great strides toward ensuring citizens, businesses and stakeholders are meaningfully involved in municipal decisions that interest or impact them:

  • Nearly 50 city-building engagement campaigns were delivered for projects in the community. In response, more than 7,170 people participated by completing surveys, attending open houses or providing comments through the City’s online engagement platform – Have Your Say, Vaughan.
  • Subscriptions to the Vaughan Engagement eNewsletter almost doubled, growing from approximately 600 to 1,100 people. Subscribers show high interest in the content, with an average eNewsletter open rate of 62 per cent, roughly double the industry average.
  • The City’s engagement pages – including the Have Your Say platform – received almost 23,000 views.
  • The City delivered approximately 54 presentations, both live and on-demand; hosted 42 live virtual meetings, including public open houses, public information centres, workshops and focus groups; and engaged citizens through roughly 40 surveys, virtual idea boards, interactive maps and online comment forums. The surveys alone have collected more than 5,100 responses. 

All this feedback has helped build the city to best meet citizens’ needs – and the numbers continue to grow! 

Have Your Say, Vaughan
In February 2021, a new online platform, Have Your Say, Vaughan, was launched to make engaging with the City easier than ever. The online tool provides an easy, secure and convenient way to participate in, learn about, engage with and give honest feedback about City engagements in an accessible, virtual environment. Have Your Say, Vaughan expands the City’s ability to conduct digital engagement, allowing the community to participate at a time and in a place that works best for them. 

Teams across the organization continue to provide various public engagement opportunities – and they want to hear from you! Visit to get involved. Continue to check this webpage as new opportunities are frequently posted. 

Engagement Feedback Survey
Did you recently participate in a City engagement activity? Maybe you completed a survey, placed a pin on an interactive map or attended a virtual open house. If so, the City wants to hear about your experience!   The City has an Engagement Feedback Survey open to collect input on Vaughan’s engagement practices – what project did you get involved in? How did you participate? Did you feel informed? Did you feel listened to? Complete the online survey to provide input into how the City can make its engagement process even better. The survey will be open throughout 2022. 

The 2022 Citizen Survey
The 2022 Citizen Survey (launching later this year) will be another opportunity to collect feedback from the people who matter – you! This statistically valid telephone survey – plus an online survey – will gather input from residents on quality of life, engagement practices, delivery of services, use of tax dollars, communications, digital services and much more. For more information about this initiative as it becomes available, visit 

Keeping you informed
Subscribe to the City’s Engagement eNewsletter to stay up to date with civic opportunities for you to get involved in. This eNewsletter is issued directly to subscribed mailboxes one to two times per month. 

For a full update on the City’s engagement initiatives, read the Committee of the Whole (2) Report: Stakeholder and Community Engagement Policy Update. 

For updates and news as they happen, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channels on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.