Ward 2 - Adriano Volpentesta
Adriano Volpentesta is the Ward 2 Councillor for the City of Vaughan.
Councillor responsibilities include making decisions on matters affecting the community and City as a whole, ensuring residents are represented at Council meetings, taking a strategic role in directing municipal goals and priorities, and monitoring the implementation and success of those initiatives.
Councillor Adriano Volpentesta is a well-known community champion with a successful record of delivering positive results for Woodbridge. He puts citizens first by going above and beyond to listen, respond and address resident concerns. Councillor Volpentesta is a champion for many community improvement projects, including boulevard beautification, Kipling Ave. road repairs, infrastructure upgrades across Ward 2, and school and youth safety campaigns.
Well-known for his caring, genuine and compassionate approach, Councillor Volpentesta is committed to being responsive, reliable, and accessible to his constituents.
Councillor Volpentesta has received many awards for his active community service, including the 2018 York Region Man of Honour Award in the special achievement category, the 2017 City of Vaughan Volunteer Recognition Award and three Vaughan Volunteer Society Awards.
Priorities for 2022-2026 include:
- maintaining a cap on property tax increases
- increasing the notification area for development proposals from 250 metres to 500 metres
- mandating green spaces in new developments
- creating a job fair for young people
- being transparent with all residents of Vaughan
Who provides services?
York Region (upper tier) provides | City of Vaughan (lower tier) provides |
Ward 2 Boundaries
Ward 2 is in the southwest area of Vaughan, specifically Woodbridge, west of Pine Valley Drive to Highway 50 and south of Major Mackenzie Drive to Steeles Avenue West. The shaded grey numbers on the map represent Vaughan Concession Blocks (PDF).

Contact the Councillor
Councillor Adriano Volpentesta
905-832-2281, ext. 8877
Lucy Cardile
Executive Assistant
905-832-2281, ext. 8741
Vaughan City Hall, Level 400
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1
Additional Resources
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