Ward 5 - Gila Martow
Gila Martow is the Ward 5 Councillor for the City of Vaughan.
Councillor responsibilities include making decisions on matters affecting the community and City as a whole, ensuring residents are represented at Council meetings, taking a strategic role in directing municipal goals and priorities, and monitoring the implementation and success of those initiatives.
Gila Martow graduated from the School of Optometry at the University of Waterloo in 1984 and spent more than two decades working as an optometrist in York Region.
She served as Thornhill's Member of Provincial Parliament from February 2014 until June 2022. While in opposition, she served in various roles, including critic for Intergovernmental Affairs, the Anti-Racism Secretariat, Children, Youth and Families, the GTA and Francophone Affairs. Following the new government's election in 2018, Councillor Martow served in various capacities, including Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Labour and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Francophone Affairs.
Councillor Martow was elected to represent Ward 5 in Vaughan. She is an experienced community leader who strongly advocates for her residents and looks forward to bringing a principled and prudent voice to City Hall.
Who provides services?
York Region (upper tier) provides | City of Vaughan (lower tier) provides |
Councillor Ward Boundaries
Ward 5 boundaries are from Highway 7 to the north, CN Railway (south of Highway 407) to the west, Yonge Street to the east and Steeles Avenue West to the south. The shaded grey numbers on the map represent Vaughan Concession Blocks (PDF).

Contact the Councillor
Councillor Gila Martow
905-832-2281, ext. 8633
Vaughan City Hall, Level 400
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1
Additional Resources
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