Glen Shields Park Redevelopment
Project Overview
About Glen Shields Park
Glen Shields Park is located at 140 Glen Shields Ave., west of Dufferin Street and north of Steeles Avenue West in the heart of the Glen Shields residential neighbourhood. The park is approximately 4.7 hectares (11.6 acres) and is home to a playground, several pathways, a multi-use play court with basketball, a triple tennis court, and park building.
Part of the project includes a study on the alignment of the Bartley Smith Greenway trail and park walkway improvements for increased pedestrian and bicycle safety and enjoyment (i.e. better visual site lines, lighting, surface condition, wayfinding signage, etc.).
Vaughan’s Park Redevelopment Strategy
The need for a park redevelopment strategy was identified through community feedback and in 2018 a Parks Redevelopment Strategy (PDF) was created to provide guidance for managing the renewal and redevelopment of multiple City parks and open spaces over a 10-year period (between 2019 and 2029).
The Parks Redevelopment Strategy:
- ensures the City’s parks and open space facilities continue to be useful to the current and future needs of Vaughan residents in a responsible and cost-effective manner.
- provides a comprehensive plan for making investments into the renewal of parks and open spaces that support an appropriate level of service delivery and the City’s commitment to Service Excellence.
The strategy is supported by the Active Together Master Plan and the Glen Shields Park was identified as a priority for redevelopment.
Vaughan’s Active Together Master Plan
In 2018, Vaughan Council approved an update to the Active Together Master Plan. This plan guides the City’s planning of open space areas, parks, recreation programs and facilities and library services for the short and the long term. The plan provides recommendations to bring parks to life through programming and events, and solutions for repurposing aging and under-utilized facilities and enhance high-priority parks, including sites near highly populated areas.
Excellence in Service and Design
Through the designs and options to be proposed by the City's consultant Landscape Architects Ltd., when complete, the Glen Shields Park will showcase design excellence, safety, sustainability and accessibility and it will respect the mature vegetation that currently exists in the area while creating a community destination for all to use and enjoy.
The Glen Shields Park Redevelopment Project will be completed in accordance with the recommendations of both the Parks Redevelopment Strategy and the Active Together Master Plan and supports the City’s commitment to creating and sustaining safe and accessible spaces that enhance citizen well-being and enrich the community through the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan.
Get Involved
The City of Vaughan values the voice of the public and is dedicated to having constructive dialogue with the community that is open, transparent, accessible and inclusive. The City is committed to involving citizens, businesses and stakeholders in conversations about municipal decisions that interest and/or impact them.
Collecting feedback from the community is vital to the success of this project and to the redevelopment of Glen Shields park. Through collaboration with citizens and stakeholders, the City will create an innovative, accessible, sustainable and safe park that fosters physical activity, health and wellness for all citizens.
Community Outreach #1
On Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020, the City of Vaughan held a virtual public information session for the Glen Shields Park Redevelopment Project. A recording of the session is available, in addition to the digital presentation (PDF) made at the session. Citizens were also invited to continue the conversation online and participate in a survey to collect high-level comments on the proposed park facilities and amenities options. The survey is now closed with more than 50 respondents; to view results, please refer to Survey Results under Related Links.
Community Outreach #2
The project consultant, in close collaboration with the City, evaluated the community feedback and incorporated it into the redevelopment plans. We are pleased to share the final park redevelopment design through a self-guided presentation (Mar. 24, 2021). For ongoing project updates and timelines, check Project Updates.
For additional information about the Glen Shields Park Redevelopment Project, please email
Project Updates
- After extensive renovations and enhancements, the Glen Shields Park Redevelopment Project is now complete.
- The construction schedule is extended to July 2022 due to global supply chain issues, adverse weather conditions and unexpected as-built conditions on existing park components such as the park building and ice rink.
To complete work in a safe manner, there will be ongoing closures of park entrances and facilities during construction. Warning signs and security fences will be erected in the construction work zone.
The contractor is required to provide safe pedestrian access, however, residents are asked to exercise caution when walking near the construction zone.
Further to the presentation and survey in November, the project consultant, in close collaboration
with the City, evaluated the community feedback and incorporated it into the redevelopment plans.
We are pleased to share the final park redevelopment design through a self-guided presentation
(Mar. 24, 2021). - Notice: Weather permitting, tree maintenance and removal works are planned to take place at Glen Shields Park between the week of March 15 to April 1, 2021.
- On Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020, the City of Vaughan held a virtual public information session for the Glen Shields Park Redevelopment Project. A recording of the session is available, in addition to the digital presentation (PDF) made at the session. Citizens were also invited to continue the conversation online and participate in a survey to collect high-level comments on the proposed park facilities and amenities options. The survey is now closed with more than 50 respondents; to view results, please refer to Survey Results under Related Links.