Water and Wastewater Rate Study
The City of Vaughan is committed to providing water and wastewater rates that are sustainable, fair and affordable, while also sufficient for funding the cost of operating and maintaining Vaughan’s infrastructure.
As part of this commitment, in 2020 the City undertook a comprehensive review of the current rates and rate structure for the delivery of water and wastewater services to Vaughan residents and businesses. The study’s outcome, presented to Council in April 2021, validated the City’s current methodology for the water and wastewater rate structure.
The City currently follows a rate structure called Uniform Volumetric. This means the customer is charged according to a fixed amount per unit of water consumed. While the unit price for water does not change according to use, the total price of water increases or decreases as a customer uses water. This rate structure is one of the simplest ways to price water based on a citizen’s level of use.