Public Notices
Welcome to the City of Vaughan’s Public Notice website. The City may also provide notice through mail, or personal service, depending on applicable legislation.
While the City strives to provide accurate and timely information, the City does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of notices except where required by legislation.
This public notice page is not intended to be comprehensive of all notices issued by the City. While efforts are made to ensure that relevant information is included, there may be additional notices or updates that are not posted here.
For specific details or questions regarding any notice, where applicable, please direct your inquiries to the respective department contact(s) listed within the notice. For all other inquiries please contact
Public Notices
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Information regarding statutory notices related to planning applications, zoning changes, development proposals and public hearings under the Planning Act.
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Link: Workshops, Meetings and Notices | City of Vaughan
Information and dates for Policy Planning upcoming meetings and events with corresponding links to notices for workshops, Committee and public meetings for City-Wide Projects and/or Area Specific Studies
Link: Ontario Land Tribunal Notices and Decisions | City of Vaughan
Ontario Land Tribunal Notices & Decisions Pertaining to the appeal of the City of Vaughan Official Plan 2010
Click here to review Notices of Hearing and Reports for applications scheduled to be heard at an upcoming Committee of Adjustment hearing, including information on how you can participate.
Click here to navigate to the Public Notices Search (below) where you will find Commitee of Adjustment Notices
Information regarding upcoming meetings concerning City Council governance and election-related matters.
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Link to Heritage Notice Webpage: Heritage Notices | City of Vaughan)
Notices provided in accordance with Part IV and Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, including Notices of Intention to Designate (NOID) and other related notices required under the Heritage Act.
Link to BLCPS Webpage: Public Notice of Council and Committee Meetings | City of Vaughan
In line with the requirements of By-law 394–2002, this page provides notice of upcoming committee and council meetings in which regulatory amendments will be proposed for regulations which require public notice. This page only provides notice for public meetings as required by the by law.
Link to Council Committee Meeting Calendar: Committees, Council Agendas and Minutes | City of Vaughan
The sale of the Surplus Lands is officially announced through its inclusion in the Council Agenda that approved the By-law. For details on the sale of City property, please refer to the published agenda for Council and Committees.
Link to Disruptions Closures Webpage: Disruptions and Closures | City of Vaughan
Find information about disruptions and closures led by the City and third-party organizations (i.e. Alectra, CN Rail, Metrolinx, Ministry of Transportation, TTC, York Region and York Region Transit.
Notices provide under the requirements of the Ontario Building Code
Public Notices Search
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Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A014/25
Subject Land: 41 Meadowland Court
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed dwelling.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A005/25
Subject Land: 9580 Keele Street
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit an existing gazebo, cabana and reduced soft landscaping requirements in the rear yard.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A024/25
Subject Land: 63 Endless Circle
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the zoning by-law is being requested to permit a construction of a below-grade stairs to access the secondary suite.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A018/23
Subject Land: 15 Lady Bianca Court
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a swimming pool, uncovered platform (deck), including access stairs, hot tub roof structure and prefabricated sauna.
Notice Type: Consent Application
City File No.: B013/24
Subject Land: 5445 Kirby Road
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Consent is being requested to sever a parcel of land, approximately 0.026 HA, as a lot addition, to be merged on title with the abutting lands to the east legally described as Lot 3 of 65M-4778. The retained lands have frontage along Kirby Road and are approximately 2.96 HA.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A023/25
Subject Land: 49 Firtree Trail
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit an existing deck in the rear yard.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A003/25
Subject Land: 106 Westridge Drive
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit the construction of a proposed addition to the southern side of the existing dwelling. Relief is also being requested to permit an existing pergola and reduced soft landscaping requirements in the rear yard.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A190/24
Subject Land: 1 Royview Crescent
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the zoning by-law is being requested to permit a proposed addition to the existing dwelling.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A016/25
Subject Land: 137 Cherhill Drive
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the zoning by-law is being requested to permit the construction of a roof to cover the existing deck in the rear yard.
Notice Type: Minor Variance Application
City File No.: A202/24
Subject Land: 5445 Kirby Road
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type: Committee of Adjustment
Notice Description: Relief from the Zoning By-law is being requested to permit a minimum lot area of 2.96 ha for the retained lands to facilitate Consent Application B013/24).