Advancing traffic calming efforts

Traffic calming measures

Pilot project launching in five neighbourhoods


The City of Vaughan is creating safer roads through the Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan. Based on research, a review of existing traffic calming measures and your feedback during the first phase of this project, the City has developed a draft traffic calming toolbox – essentially, it’s a selection of measures best suited for Vaughan.


The next step is to test them out. They will be piloted in five select neighbourhoods starting in September 2023:



Over the next several weeks, the City will consult with residents living in the pilot neighbourhoods to present the proposed measures for each area. 


The locations were selected based on:


  • available data on existing road conditions.
  • community and stakeholder feedback.
  • co-ordination with existing and planned road projects.
  • the presence of varying roadway types, which allows the City to test different traffic calming measures. 
  • Older and new communities where calming measures are needed.


What is traffic calming?

It’s physical features and road designs meant to reduce vehicular speeds; reduce the number and severity of collisions; improve pedestrian and cyclist safety; improve the quality of the environment; and potentially reduce traffic volumes.

What will the pilot measures look like?

They could be enhanced radar message boards, flexible posts (or flex bollards), new pavement markings, temporary curb extensions, temporary median, road narrowing or speed cushions.


If you live, work or visit the pilot neighbourhoods, you are encouraged to get involved! Here’s how:

Complete the online survey and mapping tool

Take an online survey and participate in a virtual mapping tool by Wednesday, June 14 to identify key areas where improvements in your neighbourhood are needed or where you would like to see potential measures installed. The survey will take about four minutes to complete. The mapping tool can be completed by area:



Attend a virtual information session

The City is hosting a virtual information session for each pilot neighbourhood. This is an opportunity for you to hear updates, timelines and next steps directly from the project team. Register at to attend one of the following sessions:


Tuesday, May 23


Wednesday, May 24


Attend an in-person neighbourhood walking tour and design workshop

The City will host in-person walking tours in each pilot neighbourhood where we’ll take this time to explain where and how the pilot measures will be implemented in the community. A summary of the ideas presented at these workshops will be published to the project webpage for review and comment. Neighbourhood walks will be scheduled based on survey responses from community members. This way, we can ensure as many community members as possible can attend.


Download SitePodium for project updates

Once the temporary measures are in place, ongoing feedback can be provided through SitePodium. This new and innovative platform provides real-time updates and allows users to share feedback. Registration or login is not required to use the app. Download it from the Apple Store or Google Play.


Join the mailing list

Email with the subject line “Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan” and request to be added to the mailing list to receive information on future engagement opportunities.


The City will work closely with key stakeholders, including community members, Vaughan Fire and Rescue Services, York Region Transit, and road safety partners, such as York Regional Police, to evaluate and monitor how the solutions are working into the spring of 2024.


The Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan is aligned with MoveSmart, the City’s progressive Mobility Management Strategy. MoveSmart directs the City’s vision to provide a transportation system that is safer, more efficient and sustainable. The Strategy was guided by input received from the public, which identified road safety and effective traffic management as top priorities to help meet the existing and evolving needs of the community. MoveSmart consists of four programs; the Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan falls under the Road Safety Program.


For more information, visit


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