Are you prepared?

City of Vaughan

Three steps to ensure everyone in your household knows what to do in the event of an emergency

As many people continue to stay home in response to COVID-19, the City of Vaughan is reminding residents to make emergency planning a priority. The global pandemic has proven that emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. Are you prepared? 

When it comes to emergency planning, prevention and preparation are essential. Everyone in your household must know what to do. The following information will help with creating an emergency plan:
Step 1: Plan
Creating an emergency plan (PDF) with every family member is the first step to being prepared. This plan should include safety tips, contact details, information on the various emergencies that can occur and a home escape plan outlining exit routes from each room and an outside meeting place.
It is important to identify two extended family members as emergency contacts. Make sure these contacts:
  • live far enough away that they will most likely not be affected by the same emergency
  • know how to fully use mobile devices, including voicemail, email and text messaging
  • have a copy of your emergency plan and contact information
Step 2: Prepare
In the event of an emergency, having the proper resources on hand is crucial. Building an emergency kit – with enough supplies to last up to 72 hours – can protect yourself and your family.
The following items should be included in an emergency kit for the house:
  • Water (four litres per person per day)
  • Non-perishable and canned food items
  • Flashlight
  • Battery powered or crank radio
  • Spare batteries
  • Change of clothes (one per person)
  • First aid kit
  • Blankets or sleeping bags
  • Important papers (identification, passports, insurance etc.)
  • Non-prescription medications (enough for 7 days)
The following items should be included in an emergency kit for the car:
  • Water (four litres per person per day)
  • Non-perishable and canned food items
  • Flashlight
  • Spare batteries
  • Booster cables
  • Car fire extinguisher
  • First aid kit
  • Ice scraper, brush and shovel
  • Maps
  • SOS sign to place in window
  • Tow chain
  • Vehicle fluids (windshield washer, anti-freeze)
For a complete list of items that should be stored in any emergency kit, visit
Step 3: Be Informed
It is important that residents are educated on how to prepare for, and deal with, emergencies. Knowing what actions to take before, during and after an emergency can help minimize stress and prevent injuries or damages. Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service’s Emergency Planning program is responsible for developing strategies to manage the identified hazards and threats specific to Vaughan. They include:
  • Hazardous Materials Incident
  • Severe Thunderstorms with Flooding
  • Winter Storms
  • Pandemic
  • Power Outage
  • Terrorism
  • Fire/Explosion
  • Tornadoes
  • Transportation Incidents
  • Extreme Heat/Cold
  • Aviation Incident
  • Nuclear Incident
Visit for tips on how to be prepared for any emergency. Additional information and considerations are also provided for apartments and high-rise buildings, pets or individuals with special needs.  
For more information and resources on COVID-19, including physical distancing tips and advice from Public Health officials, visit York Region's website at