What you need to know about patios

City of Vaughan

COVID-19 Updates

City of Vaughan news is released on a daily basis and kept on vaughan.ca for reference purposes. For the most recent updates and news as they happen, visit vaughan.ca/COVID19, sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at vaughan.ca/CityUpdate and follow the official corporate channels on and follow the official corporate channels on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn


Easy online application process for restaurant and banquet hall owners

The City of Vaughan continues to support local businesses and consumers during the global COVID-19 pandemic. As businesses continue to reopen in Vaughan, restaurants and banquet halls are welcoming customers back. Licensed establishments looking to create a patio or expand their current patio to accommodate physical distancing requirements must apply for a permit.
To begin the process, licensed businesses must complete an online registration form. Further information and eligibility are available on the City’s website. Inquiries can be directed to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or by email at accessvaughan@vaughan.ca.
If an establishment is operating without expanding its outdoor patio, it must take appropriate measures as per provincial and regional guidelines to ensure physical distancing of at least two metres between patrons, including:
  • taking reservations.
  • limiting the number of patrons allowed in the outdoor space at one time.
  • ensuring enough space between tables to allow for movement.
On Friday, June 19, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua issued the first directive under the City’s Emergency Measures By-law to allow local eating establishments and banquet halls to temporarily expand or establish additional patios, while maintaining physical distancing. This marked just one initiative in a series of measures championed by Vaughan City Council to support the business community during the global COVID-19 pandemic.
On Thursday, July 9, York Region Council endorsed a recommendation from Dr. Karim Kurji, the York Region Medical Officer of Health, instructing owners of enclosed public spaces to have a policy mandating customers, visitors and employees to wear a mask or face covering. This new rule came into effect on Friday, July 17. Exemptions include, but are not limited to, children under the age of five and people unable to safely use face coverings for medical reasons. For more information, visit york.ca/MandatoryMasks. Concerns can be reported to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or accessvaughan@vaughan.ca. The matter will be referred to By-law Enforcement Services for investigation.
Throughout the pandemic, stay up to date with the latest response efforts by frequently checking vaughan.ca/COVID19. Citizens are also encouraged to sign up for the City’s eNewsletter at vaughan.ca/CityUpdate and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for news as it is released. 
Those who feel unwell, and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19, should contact York Region Public Health or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on the virus, visit York Region's website at york.ca/COVID19.