Be a voice for your community!

City of Vaughan
Subscribe to the City’s engagement eNewsletter to stay up to date with current input opportunities

What kind of city do you want Vaughan to be in 10 years? Do you have ideas on how to make the city more sustainable? Do you consider yourself, or want to be considered, an active and engaged citizen? If so, subscribe to the City of Vaughan’s Engagement eNewsletter to stay up to date on opportunities to share your input on city-building initiatives. In doing so, you are helping to shape your city! 

The City understands that public consultation is a vital part of the city-building process. That’s why teams across the organization work to provide opportunities for citizens to share their ideas and add their voices to conversations on municipal matters. Input collected is used to help inform decision-making and shape the future of Vaughan. Whether you attend a public meeting, take an online survey, participate in a workshop, or voice your opinions to staff or Mayor and Members of Council, your feedback helps identify community needs and priorities as services and programs are continuously enhanced. 

Examples of engagement opportunities from 2022, include the following:

  • Developing the new Strategic Plan (2022-2026): To update the current 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan, an in-person and virtual workshop was held and a survey was issued for residents to comment on the key priorities that will guide the City over the next term of Council.    
  • Selecting the location of a dog park: To help select the location for a new off-leash dog area in Thornhill, the City issued a survey to collect resident feedback on three location options.
  • Informing future plans for the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre: To update the VMC Secondary Plan, a virtual community meeting and online idea-generating exercise were hosted to collect input on where retail, office development and civic facilities should be located in Vaughan’s downtown.
  • Creating a more sustainable Vaughan: To inform revisions to the City’s Municipal Energy Plan, citizens and stakeholders were invited to take a survey and attend two virtual workshops to comment on what actions the City and its community members should take to increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions and mitigate climate change. 

Visit to view current conversations and voice your opinion. 

Want to stay informed? Sign up for Vaughan’s Engagement eNewsletter today! The eNewsletter is issued directly to subscribed inboxes monthly and highlights active opportunities for you to get involved in. 

For updates and news as they happen, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channels on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.