Blue box or green bin: what to choose?

City of Vaughan
Learn what items go where, including napkins, tissues, paper towels and more


When you think of what goes in the blue box, you may think of items like paper and cardboard. But did you know not all paper-based items are recyclable? Some go in the green bin instead! Here are some reminders from the City of Vaughan to help you sort your waste correctly:

Paper-based items that belong in the green bin:

  • Napkins
  • Paper plates and bowls
  • Paper towels
  • Small amounts of shredded paper
  • Tissues

Paper-based items that belong in the blue box:

  • Cardboard
  • Egg cartons
  • Flyers
  • Magazines
  • Newspaper
  • Paper
  • Paper towel rolls

When in doubt, use the City’s ‘What Goes Where?’ tool!

What Goes Where?’ is the City’s online sorting tool that allows you to search what waste bins an item belongs in. It also provides information on curbside collection requirements.

You can also download the Recycle Coach app through the Apple App Store or Google Play to help determine what goes where. The app also provides waste-less tips and a personalized collection schedule with optional alerts on what to put at the curb each week.

Buy or exchange waste bins online

Need a new blue box or green bin? You can purchase them online through Service Vaughan and schedule a delivery right to your door. Alternatively, buy blue boxes and green bins at select community centres while supplies last. You can also sign up to exchange a broken City-issued blue box or green bin for a new one through Service Vaughan.

To learn more about waste services in Vaughan, visit

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