Building Vaughan

An overview of the Planning and Growth Management reports presented in April

The city of Vaughan continues to transform. Due to its high standard of living, accessible location, world-class amenities, development options, subway connections and so much more, Vaughan continues to attract significant opportunities for investment in residential, commercial and industrial projects year after year.
But city building doesn’t happen overnight. All developments undergo a careful review by City staff, Vaughan Council and public agencies, including the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, York Region and provincial ministries, where appropriate. This is also why the City asks for residents’ feedback throughout the planning process – well before shovels hit the ground.
Click on the corresponding public meeting dates below to view the planning reports and development applications presented to Vaughan Council in April:
As part of the City’s commitment to open and accessible government, citizens are encouraged to get involved in the decision-making process. Here are four ways to get involved:
  • Learn more about the application. Review the public notice and learn more about the development application on PLANit, the City’s development application tracking platform, available at
  • Speak to Council during a Committee of the Whole Meeting. As of May 3, 2022, Committee and Council meetings will transition to a hybrid approach with both in-person and virtual options. There are several ways the public will be able to address Members of Council: 
    • Attend a meeting in-person at Vaughan City Hall to speak to Members of Council regarding an item on the agenda. Pre-registration is encouraged by completing the online Request to Speak Form or calling Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 by noon on the day before the meeting.
    • Submit a written communication for review by Members of Council as part of an agenda item. All written communications can be emailed to the Office of the City Clerk at
    • Speak via teleconference (through a computer, app or by phone) live during the meeting. Pre-registration is requiredby noon on the day before the meeting – complete the Request to Speak Form or call Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281. Members of the public must provide a valid email and/or phone number to participate in a meeting electronically.
  • Speak directly with your local Councillor. Citizens may telephone or email comments directly to Members of Council. For details on how to contact a Member of Council, visit
  • Contact the City planner directly. All citizens may contact the planner on file directly by phone, email or letter. Contact details are found on the public meeting notice sent by mail or by contacting Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or
Learn more about how you can get involved. These meetings will continue to be live broadcasted at
For a full schedule of public meetings, agendas and staff reports, visit
Visit to learn more about what it takes to build a world-class city. A digital step-by-step guide (PDF) illustrating the process is also available.
For the latest updates, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channel on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.