Celebrating our Creative Community

Eighth Annual Vaughan Juried Art Exhibition on Display at City Hall

Art enthusiasts are invited to visit the City of Vaughan’s eighth annual Vaughan Juried Exhibition: an art integration project. Eighteen original works of art were selected for display from 213 submissions by emerging and established artists from Vaughan and the Greater Toronto Area.

The exhibitions professional judging panel included internationally acclaimed visual artists and art teachers Pietro Adamo and Bianka Guna who awarded special recognition to these exhibiting artists in the following categories:

  • Julie Vandepolder for her oil Response to a Letter — Best in Show
  • Maria Drazilov for her photograph Life and Death in the Ancient Pinecone Forest — Reserve Best in Show
  • Liz Menard for her etching/aquatint Lower Don River Overpass — Jurors’ Award of Merit
  • Julie Vandepolder for her oil Bare Amenity — Jurors’ Award of Merit

Residents are encouraged to vote for their favourite artwork as part of the People's Choice Award competition. The exhibition is on display in the Atrium Gallery at Vaughan City Hall from Jan. 15 to Feb. 23, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. It features a broad range of representational and abstract compositions conveyed through a variety of art media, including painting, drawing, printmaking and photography.

The Vaughan Juried Exhibition: an art integration project is organized by Vaughan’s Recreation and Culture department. For more information, contact Sharon Gaum-Kuchar, arts co-ordinator, at 905-832-8585, ext. 7428 or sharon.kuchar@vaughan.ca, or visit vaughan.ca/artsandculture.