Celebrating Vaughan’s commitment to good governance

City of Vaughan
The City’s Internal Audit department receives top External Quality Assessment rating for all standards

Integrity. Accountability. Responsibility. These are the principles that guide the City of Vaughan’s Internal Audit department. This commitment to good governance was proven as the team recently received the highest ranking achievable for every standard audited in its 2021 External Quality Assessment.
The International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) requires this assessment at least once every five years to evaluate whether or not internal audit activities are in conformance with the Institute of Internal Auditor’s (IIA) Standards and Code of Ethics. And Vaughan’s Internal Audit team received top marks!
This is the first time an external assessment was performed on the department – and the City’s top achievement maintains confidence in the municipality, its governing body and operational performance measures. The “Generally Conforms” ranking it received demonstrates a clear intent and commitment to achieving core internal auditing practices, in addition to highlighting successful municipal practices and identifying opportunities for improvement. Based on the results, the next external assessment will be conducted in 2026.
The 2021 External Quality Assessment Results report was presented to the Audit Committee on Monday, Jan. 24, and ratified at the subsequent Council Meeting.
Vaughan’s ongoing commitment to Good Governance, a priority in the 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan, and achieving Service Excellence are also demonstrated through the following initiatives.
Vaughan Accord
Endorsed at a special signing ceremony on Dec. 4, 2018, the Vaughan Accord is a historic document that commits all Members of Council to serving the City of Vaughan in a manner which reflects a positive image of the City and instills civic pride. The first of 12 principles listed in the Accord speaks to accountability – highlighting the City’s determination to make openness, transparency and accountability a cornerstone of city-building. This document influences every municipal process, policy, guideline and framework.
Anonymous Reporting System
The City’s Internal Audit department oversees an Anonymous Reporting System, which is an option staff have to confidentially report misconduct they suspect may be happening in the workplace. This system is available 24-7 by phone or online, and all reports are thoroughly investigated by Internal Audit.
The Office of the Integrity Commissioner and Lobbyist Registrar
Vaughan Council appointed Suzanne Craig as the City's Integrity Commissioner in February 2009. The Integrity Commissioner is responsible for providing policy advice, complaint resolution and education to Members of Council on issues of ethics and integrity. In 2018, Ms. Craig was also appointed as the City’s part-time Lobbyist Registrar to ensure any lobbying activities conducted in Vaughan exercise best practices and uphold the public’s trust through inclusive, transparent and accountable communication. This office operates independently from the City, so decisions and practices can be implemented without bias or conflict of interest.
Audit committee
Comprised of Members of Council and the public, the objective of the Audit Committee is to assist Council in the discharge of governance, accountability and controllership responsibilities by ensuring risks are being appropriately addressed through strong governance, a risk/control and compliance framework, appropriate
stewardship and an effective internal audit activity. The Audit Committee meets at a minimum of five times each year to provide Council with timely information.
International Internal Audit Awareness Month
In May, the Internal Audit department uses International Internal Audit Awareness Month as an opportunity to reflect upon this responsibility as well as the important function the team performs. The department supports the City by evaluating and providing recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of risk management and control activities.
“Accountability is vital in effective city-building. A well-run government depends on this. It ensures public confidence in our decision-making and forward-looking agenda for Vaughan. I am pleased to extend my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the City of Vaughan’s Internal Audit department for receiving the highest-ranking achievable for every standard audited in its 2021 External Quality Assessment. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to good governance and unwavering dedication to making openness, transparency and accountability a cornerstone of our city-building efforts. Vaughan continues to raise the bar in our steadfast determination to be a national leader of trust in the public sector – and the Internal Audit department, the Office of the Integrity Commissioner and Lobbyist Registrar, and our Anonymous Reporting System are all proven examples of our administration continuing to go above and beyond to deliver a quality government service for taxpayers that is second to none. A healthy democracy requires open and fully transparent communication between the government and the people. This is why the City of Vaughan’s processes are built upon a solid foundation of values that are articulated, enshrined and adhered to in the Vaughan Accord. The first of the 12 principles listed in the Accord speaks to accountability. I was proud to once again lead the unanimous reaffirmation and signing of the Accord during the 2018-2022 Term of Council inauguration. At the City of Vaughan, we remain committed to improving operational performance, enhancing the citizen experience and delivering Service Excellence.”
- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
“As Chair of Vaughan’s Audit Committee, I am pleased to recognize the City’s Internal Audit department on the completion of the 2021 External Quality Assessment and for receiving top marks. This remarkable achievement underscores Vaughan’s unwavering commitment to approach all City business with integrity, accountability and respect. Further, it maintains public confidence in our transparent governance framework and demonstrates what can be accomplished with sound reporting practices. By evaluating and providing recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of risk management and control activities, the City’s Internal Audit department performs an important function and makes a meaningful impact. Congratulations!”
- Local and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati
  • The City of Vaughan’s Internal Audit department received the highest ranking achievable for every standard audited in its 2021 External Quality Assessment.
  • On Jan. 25, 2021, the City’s Audit Committee approved that the 2021 External Quality Assessment of Vaughan’s Internal Audit Department be conducted.
  • This is the first time an external audit assessment was performed – and the City’s top achievement maintains confidence in the municipality, its governing body and operational performance measures.