City advises residents to conserve water

City of Vaughan
There are many ways to reduce consumption of this precious resource
The City of Vaughan is advising residents to reduce their water usage in response to a temporary service disruption in the supply from Peel Region. Any unnecessary water consumption should be avoided at this time.
Fresh clean water is a precious resource, so it’s important to work together to protect and conserve it. Here are some helpful water conservation tips to keep in mind:
  • Limit showers to five minutes (long hot showers can waste 10 to 20 litres of water every extra minute).
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
  • Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full to save up to 3,000 litres of water a month.
  • Only water your lawn or garden when needed.
  • Check for outdoor leaks in pipes, hoses and faucets (leaks outside the home can be just as wasteful and costly as leaks inside the home).
  • Refrain from washing vehicles.  
York Region provides Vaughan with clean water, which is treated by the City of Toronto and Peel Region. It is sourced from Lake Ontario. 
For more information on Vaughan’s water services and conservation, visit