City Hall Connects is coming to Vaughan mailboxes!

The City’s official newsletter highlights services, upcoming projects, feedback opportunities and more

Want to keep up to date on what’s happening in your community? The winter edition of Vaughan’s official newsletter, City Hall Connects, is hitting nearly 115,000 mailboxes next week. This hardcopy publication is designed to keep residents and businesses up to date on the City of Vaughan's projects, services and more.

This edition highlights the 2021/22 winter operations, small business resources, waste services and feedback opportunities – to name just a few. It also describes how Vaughan continues to innovate its services and initiatives while keeping safety a top priority and further supporting the community during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

To read this information while on the go, a digital version of the City Hall Connects newsletter is also available online (PDF). You can also read previous publications online.

In addition to the newsletter, there are many ways citizens can stay informed on City initiatives and updates:

Online resources from York Region Public Health officials are also available at Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
