City Plants Hundreds of Trees Thanks to CN Grant

​Oct. 24, 2014

Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014
8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Official ceremony 1 p.m.

Larissa Pond
North of Joint Operations Centre
2600 Rutherford Rd. (entrance off Melville Avenue)

The City of Vaughan has been awarded a grant from CN’s EcoConnexions From the Ground up Program to plant trees along the CN Railway. The Parks and Forestry Operations department has partnered with Maple High School to plant more than 500 small trees and shrubs to help beautify the neighbourhood, increase the City’s tree canopy and reduce noise. The event reinforces the City’s environmental sustainability efforts through the planting of native tree species and the expansion of naturalized areas.

Mayor and Members of Council
Lindsay Fedchyshyn, regional manager, CN public and government affairs
Raymond Carriere, founding president, Communities in Bloom
Shawn Perry, vice-principal, Maple High School
Parks and Forestry Operations staff
Maple High School students