City of Vaughan Advises Residents of Flooding Potential

​Feb. 20, 2014

The City of Vaughan is advising residents and local businesses to be aware of possible flooding that could result from a major rain storm expected in the area.
There are 20,383 catch basins across the city. Although crews are out removing snow and clearing as many catch basins as possible, they cannot get to all of them.
Please note City crews cannot assist with clearing water trapped between snow banks or on either side of the driveway. The focus is to remove snow from narrow streets and clear catch basins.
Residents are asked to help clear ice and snow from the catch basins in front of their homes to help prevent roadway flooding.
A rainfall warning has been issued for Vaughan by Environment Canada. The storm could bring 25 to 50 mm of rain Thursday and Friday. In addition, there is a chance that a brief period of snow, freezing rain or ice pellets may precede the rain as temperatures rise. Significant snow melt due to the rising temperatures is also possible.
The latest forecasts and warnings from Environment Canada are posted at
The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has issued a Flood Outlook Watershed Conditions Statement advising that forecasted rainfall amounts mixed with melting snow will result in higher than normal water levels and flows, and possible ice break-up in our rivers and streams, creating dangerous conditions. The possibility exists for flooding on roadways and in low-lying areas.
The TRCA is advising people to stay away from rivers and streams and exercise caution around all bodies of water.
The Flood Outlook Watershed Conditions Statement will be in effect through to Sunday, Feb 23, 2014.