City of Vaughan formally welcomes new fire chief

City of Vaughan

Mayor Bevilacqua presents Chief Rizzi with her official fire chief uniform cap

The following is a statement delivered by Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua formally welcoming Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service (VFRS) Chief Rizzi during her first Committee of the Whole meeting, as VFRS Chief, on June 5, 2018:  

“Good morning, Chief Rizzi, and welcome to your first Committee of the Whole as the new Chief of Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service. We look forward to your continued counsel and thought leadership during all future committee and council meetings. I am humbled and honoured to formally present you with your official fire chief uniform cap.  
“As you know, Vaughan is a rapidly growing city. Each day more and more people are choosing Vaughan to raise a family, pursue a career, start a business and enjoy an unrivalled quality of life. From the cranes that tower over Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital and the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, to the arrival of the subway to our emerging downtown, Council and our administration continue to forge ahead with new and transformational business and residential developments.
“With any new growth and opportunities, comes potential challenges requiring experienced, trusted and tested leadership. Community safety and emergency preparedness remains a steadfast priority. It is a covenant we must deliver to our people. As we continue to plan Vaughan’s promising future, and work to help our community reach its potential as a world-class city, I know that we have a true city-building partner in Chief Rizzi.
“The same can be said for all of Vaughan’s firefighters, who Chief Rizzi now leads. These men and women are an impressive team. They are some of the bravest and brightest in our country. I am confident that under the leadership of Chief Rizzi, these courageous men and women will continue to keep people, neighbourhoods and our entire community safe. Let us never forget that when a fire is burning and people are taking refuge, our firefighters arrive to the scene and run into the flames to protect all of us.
“We also know that beyond emergencies, Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service has an important place in our community. Just ask five-year-old Matteo Papa, who was given the gift of a lifetime, when he was greeted at home on his birthday, by then Chief Larry Bentley and members of the force. 
“An extremely well-qualified, prepared, disciplined and focused individual, Chief Rizzi also happens to be Vaughan’s first female fire chief. Chief Rizzi has an incredibly important role and responsibility to encourage, mentor, and inspire the next generation of aspiring firefighters – men and women who have answered the call. As Chief Rizzi can attest, a career as a firefighter is truly a vocation of the highest service. It teaches and instills the importance of hard work, team work and commitment.
“For all of us, Chief Rizzi’s steady and unprecedented climb through the ranks of Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service is a reminder of the art of the possible. Again, on behalf of Council and our administration, we look forward to working closely with Chief Rizzi.”
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