City of Vaughan Invites Cyclists to the Vaughan Cycling Forum Inaugural Meeting
On Wednesday, April 11, 2012, the City of Vaughan will hold the inaugural meeting of the Vaughan Cycling Forum (VCF) at City Hall, Multipurpose Room, Level 100, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Special guest Eleanor McMahon, founder of the Share the Road Cycling Coalition, will speak about the benefits of building a bicycle-friendly community and her cycling advocacy work with municipalities across North America.
Special guest Eleanor McMahon, founder of the Share the Road Cycling Coalition, will speak about the benefits of building a bicycle-friendly community and her cycling advocacy work with municipalities across North America.
The VCF is open to all residents who ride their bike for transportation, leisure, or simply have an interest in cycling and want to learn more about what is to come for cyclists in Vaughan. The forum will provide an opportunity to discuss cycling issues, policies and programs and the design and development of cycling facilities in Vaughan.
The VCF is free and Vaughan cyclists are encouraged to participate and help shape and provide input to future cycling initiatives.
To register, contact Geoffrey Haines, 905-832-8585 ext. 8026