City of Vaughan supports Hurricane Harvey relief efforts

City of Vaughan
Mayor Bevilacqua donates $10,000 to Canadian Red Cross through the Spirit of Generosity Fund
The City of Vaughan is supporting relief efforts in Texas and parts of Louisiana as the states continue to deal with the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey. Through Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua’s Spirit of Generosity Fund, $10,000 is being donated to the Canadian Red Cross Hurricane Harvey Appeal.
Reports indicate this disaster has taken more than 60 lives, driven more than one-million people out of their homes and caused widespread destruction. The Canadian Red Cross is raising funds for the American Red Cross to provide safe shelter and assistance to the tens of thousands of people affected.
The City of Vaughan has a history of providing humanitarian relief in times of crisis. The effort required to rebuild lives and communities will be extensive following this catastrophe.

“The devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey is truly heartbreaking. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Texas and Louisiana as they deal with this tragedy. I commend the first responders, government agencies, organizations and civilians who are working together around the clock to help in every way they can. It is inspiring that so many people have united in this time of need. Through the Spirit of Generosity Fund, $10,000 will be directed to the Canadian Red Cross Hurricane Harvey Appeal to aid in their efforts to  support affected communities and help rebuild lives. It is important that we demonstrate our support for our neighbours and let them know they are not alone. When tragedy strikes one of us, it strikes us all.”
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua

“We want to thank the City of Vaughan for their generosity in supporting those affected by Hurricane Harvey. It is during difficult times like these when we see Canadians come together to assist those in need. Your support will help provide immediate relief to people who have just lost everything.”
-Tanya Elliott, vice-president, Ontario, Canadian Red Cross


  • The $10,000 donation is from Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua’s charitable fund, the Spirit of Generosity. This fund is supported by the Mayor’s Gala and Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua Annual Charity Golf Classic, with proceeds benefitting more than 150 not-for-profit organizations that provide essential services to Vaughan and beyond.
  • Money raised by the Hurricane Harvey Appeal will enable the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from this disaster.

  • Canadian Red Cross Hurricane Harvey Appeal webpage