City of Vaughan's 2014 Budget Maintains Service Levels

Feb. 18, 2014

Vaughan Council approved the City’s 2014 budget at a Special Council Meeting this evening at City Hall.
The residential property tax increase for 2014 is 2.5 per cent, which represents an additional $31 per year or $2.58 per month on the average residential property in Vaughan assessed at $551,000.
The budget includes a range of capital projects such as road rehabilitation and watermain replacement, park development, street and walkway lighting improvements, design of the Vellore Village South Library, construction of the Civic Centre Resource Library, and infrastructure improvements at various community centres.
Other highlights include the addition of firefighters at Station 7-5 in the community of Woodbridge.
  • This year’s budget process included a variety of opportunities for residents to get engaged and informed, including public meetings, social media outreach and an online survey.
  • The City’s budget-related webpages experienced almost 60 per cent more views than last year’s budget webpages.
  • Vaughan receives less than 30 per cent of the overall residential property tax bill with the rest going to the Province of Ontario for education and York Region.
  • City services include fire and rescue, snow removal, waste collection and recreation programs, among others.
“The City of Vaughan continues to make fiscal responsibility a top priority, which is reflected in this modest tax increase that will allow us to maintain existing service levels. This budget demonstrates the City’s commitment to providing high quality programs and services while responding to the changing needs of our growing community and respecting residents’ hard-earned tax dollars.”
– Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
“The 2014 budget is a bare bones budget that reflects strong financial leadership and includes a range of projects that will continue to enhance the quality of life for our residents. After thorough review, we have developed a responsible and realistic plan that strikes a balance between the services residents need, city-building initiatives and low tax rates.”
– Councillor Marilyn Iafrate, Chair of the Finance, Administration and Audit Committee