Do your part to support Plastic-Free July!

City of Vaughan
​The City of Vaughan challenges you to reduce single-use plastic in your daily life

This year, the City of Vaughan has proclaimed Plastic-Free July – a global movement encouraging everyone to reduce the number of single-use plastics they consume and discover reusable alternatives. You may think using plastic items in your day-to-day life doesn’t make a big impact, but in Canada, up to 15 billion plastic bags are used every year and close to 57 million straws are used daily. In addition, single-use plastics make up most of plastic litter found in freshwater environments.

This month – and beyond – the City is here to provide simple ways you can reduce plastic waste. Choose to refuse single-use plastic, such as water bottles, straws, shopping and produce bags, and coffee cups, by following these tips:

  • Bring reusable bags, mugs, water bottles and cutlery wherever you go.
  • Choose items with less plastic packaging when grocery shopping. Visit a local farmer’s market — they reuse egg cartons and berry baskets, and veggies are typically free of plastic and stickers.
  • Buy products that come either boxed or in glass or metal containers, as these materials have an infinite number of recycling life cycles.
  • Pack a waste-free lunch. For example, replace plastic sandwich bags with reusable containers or thermoses.
  • Bring reusable bags with you when shopping. Keep some in a purse, backpack or the car so you won’t forget.

The City is committed to protecting and respecting the environment and fostering a sustainable community today and for future generations. That’s why Environmental Stewardship is a priority in the City’s 2018-2022 Term of Council Service Excellence Strategic Plan. By acting as an environmental steward, you can do your part to preserve the natural environment while using environmental protection principles in every initiative undertaken.

Be a Green Guardian! Green Guardians is the City’s environmental stewardship program. As a Green Guardian of Vaughan, you can join City-led or community-driven events and activities that promote environmental stewardship and help keep Vaughan safe, clean and beautiful.

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