Firefighters go door-to-door for fire safety

Annual Alarms for Life program teaches fire prevention

You seldom hear about the fire that was prevented, but these moments are a great source of pride for Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service (VFRS). Fire prevention requires more than just hard work from firefighters and inspectors, it also involves a commitment from everyone in the community.
Every year since 2011, VFRS has gone door-to-door to teach residents about fire prevention. As part of the Alarms for Life program, VFRS will visit streets each weekend throughout this summer and early fall to talk to residents and check that their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working and located in the right places.
As VFRS can’t visit every house this year, all residents are encouraged to take fire prevention into their own hands and do the following:
  • Place smoke alarms on every level of the home and outside all sleeping areas – it’s required by law
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors near the bedroom areas in your home – it’s also required by law
  • Replace smoke alarms every 10 years
  • Replace carbon monoxide alarms every five years or as recommended by the manufacturer
  • Change the batteries in your alarms when you change your clock in the spring and fall for daylight time
This year to kick off the Alarms for Life program, the media is invited to join VFRS on July 8 as they visit a local family to inspect their house and talk about fire safety. Along for the visit will be representatives from Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., which donated 440 combination alarms to the program, and the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council.
For more information about fire prevention, visit or call 905-832-2281.