If you smoke, do your part

City of Vaughan
Safety tips from age Content Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service
The City of Vaughan is urging everyone to keep fire safety top of mind this summer. As the hot, dry summer weather continues to roll in, the risk of smoking-related fires increases. If you smoke, do your part to help prevent these types of fires from occurring.  
Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service has the following tips for residents to keep top of mind: 
  • Be sure to extinguish every cigarette or cigar fully – dispose of cigarettes in a proper ashtray that won’t tip or burn.
  • Never toss a cigarette butt off a balcony – it may land around combustible materials on the ground or in another balcony.
  • Be extra cautious when smoking while drinking alcohol or taking medication.
  • Never empty contents of an ashtray into garbage bins – this can cause a fire. Place a drop of water in the ashtray, then leave it to cool down fully.
  • Never put out cigarettes in potted plants – fertilizer found in soil can catch fire. Make sure potted plants are watered regularly and planted in clay pots to avoid fires.
  • Never smoke around combustible materials.
  • Never smoke in bed – dozing off and setting the bed on fire is a possibility. 
For more safety and fire prevention tips residents can follow to help protect themselves, their families and the entire community, visit vaughan.ca/fire 