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City’s and York Region’s budget processes are underway
Property taxes are used to fund the many programs and services families enjoy and rely on. Every year, the City of Vaughan and York Region create budgets to determine how funds will be spent and provide opportunities for residents to give feedback.
The property tax bill may come in a City of Vaughan envelope, but the amount collected is divided between the City of Vaughan (28 per cent), York Region (48 per cent), the York Region English and French school boards for education (23 per cent) and the Hospital Precinct Levy (one per cent).
Vaughan has already held two meetings on its budget and responded to comments from citizens, with final budget approval scheduled for later this month. The City is responsible for fire services, recreation services, parks and sports field operations, City planning and development, local road maintenance, and by-law and compliance.
York Region tabled its budget on Jan. 31. Its next budget deliberation meetings are set for 9 a.m. on Feb. 14 and 21, with final approval planned for the Regional Council Meeting on Feb. 28 at 9 a.m. The Region is responsible for policing, public health, paramedics, housing and social assistance, children’s services, regional road maintenance, and transit. It delivers drinking water to local municipal systems and conveys wastewater from them, and shares in responsibility for solid waste management and community planning.
At the City’s budget meeting on Feb. 4, Council discussed the importance of residents having the opportunity to learn more about the services the Region provides, and passed a motion calling on York Region to hold an evening meeting in Vaughan next year to discuss its 2020 budget.
For more information and to stay up to date on the City’s budget, visit vaughan.ca/budget. For more information on York Region’s budget, visit york.ca/budget.