Learn more about collector roads coming to the new Block 27 community

City of Vaughan
View plans and ask questions in an online Public Information Session on Nov. 16

A new community is planned for Block 27. This is the area bounded by Kirby Road to the north, Teston Road to the south, Keele Street to the east and Jane Street to the west. You’re invited to learn more about the new local street network planned for this area by joining an online Public Information Session on Wednesday, Nov. 16. 

Beginning at 6 p.m., this online session will be hosted by the City of Vaughan as part of a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) study for the development of collector roads within Block 27. Collector roads provide organization to the local street system within a residential area and provide connection points to larger arterial roads. 

This MCEA study builds upon the recommendations in the North Vaughan New Communities Transportation Master Plan and the Block 27 Secondary Plan work completed by the City in 2018 and 2019, which identified the preferred collector road network within Block 27. 

Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the MCEA process were completed through the North Vaughan Communities Transportation Master Plan. Currently, work progresses on Phase 3 and Phase 4. This includes refining the collector road alignments, developing and evaluating road design alternatives, assessing the potential environmental effects and identifying measures to mitigate any impacts. 

Have questions? Interested in seeing the plans? Get involved! 

On Wednesday, Nov. 16 from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., an online Public Information Session will take place for citizens to:

  • review the background of the study.
  • learn about project updates and next steps.
  • ask the Project Team questions.
  • provide input on the existing conditions, updated recommended collector road network for Block 27 and the recommended designs for the collector roads. 

Register online to attend!

For those who cannot attend, a recording of the presentation will be posted on vaughan.ca/Block27EA following the online session. Questions, comments and feedback can be submitted directly to the project team via email at Block27EA@vaughan.ca until Wednesday, Nov. 30. 

Learn more at vaughan.ca/Block27EA. 

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