Mayor Bevilacqua recognizes Eating Disorder Awareness Week

City committed to health and well-being of its citizens

Mayor Bevilacqua issued the following statement during Eating Disorder Awareness Week.
“On behalf of the City of Vaughan, I recognize Eating Disorder Awareness Week in an effort to bring much-needed attention to this important issue.
“Only days ago, we participated in the #BellLetsTalk campaign to help generate conversation about mental illnesses, like eating disorders.
“We know that nearly one-million Canadians are living with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder.  These are our neighbours, friends and family members whose daily lives are impacted by the challenges associated with these diseases.
“This week underscores the importance of education, so that together we can replace the shame, stereotypes and stigma too often associated with eating disorders, with compassion, love and understanding.
“By encouraging a more open dialogue, we draw attention to the fact that eating disorders are not a choice, but rather a serious mental illness and it is important that individuals who are affected receive adequate treatment and support.
“This week highlights the importance of increasing awareness through dialogue as well as strengthening efforts to break pervasive myths about eating disorders. I encourage everyone to use Eating Disorder Awareness Week as an opportunity to learn more.”
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