Mayor Bevilacqua recognizes Jewish Heritage Month

City of Vaughan
Vaughan continues celebrating its strong multicultural, spiritual roots
During this afternoon’s Vaughan Council Meeting, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua recognized May as Jewish Heritage Month and issued the following statement:
“Throughout the month of May, we celebrate the proud Jewish culture in our city and their many achievements and contributions.
“I encourage everyone to take part in the many Jewish Heritage Month events happening across our city, including a historical exhibit here at City Hall, a flag-raising ceremony to mark Israel Independence Day and a Theodor Herzl memorabilia display.
“This day is also one of reflection. Beginning this evening, and continuing through to May 2, we commemorate Yom Hashoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day.
“We join our partners and friends in the Jewish community in our vow to never forget the victims of this dark moment in history and to do our part to ensure light and peace prevail in the world.
“Recently, I had the opportunity to visit New York City with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan from the Chabad Flamingo in Thornhill.
”While in New York, we visited Ohel Chabad Lubavitch, the sacred resting site of the Rebbe, in honour of the 117th anniversary of the beloved Rebbe’s birth. It was a day of spiritual reflection, prayer and inspiration.
“Together, we toured the World Lubavich Communications Centre, which shows a ‘behind the scenes’ of what it was like in the Lubavitch Headquarters’ busiest time, as the Rebbe’s message was reaching out worldwide.
“It was an honour and a pleasure for me to participate in this meaningful visit that connects beautifully to today’s recognition of Jewish Heritage Month.
“In Vaughan, our diversity has become our strength.
“The progress we have made on a number of key city-building initiatives would not be possible without our collective commitment to respect one another and for the many rich cultures and religions that flourish here.
“We are fortunate that outside of Israel, Vaughan has one of the largest and fastest-growing Jewish populations in the world.
“We value our role as an important centre for the spiritual, cultural, social and educational needs of Jewish families in our region.
“I am also proud that our city is home to a number of synagogues. They are important community hubs and demonstrate the meaningful place spirituality and faith still have in our society.
“Together, we celebrate important events and holidays, including Chanukah, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Purim and more.
“We also stand united with our Jewish friends and denounce acts of hate and anti-Semitism, including this past weekend’s senseless and cowardly violence at the Chabad of Poway synagogue in California, as well as abhorrent news of vandalism in Thornhill. We are united in our belief that there is no place for intolerance in our community.
“Vaughan remains committed to fostering diversity, understanding and mutual respect.
“Our goal is to continue to create a municipality that is welcoming, inclusive and caring. It is important to foster an appreciation for many cultures and faiths and what they bring to our civic life.
“This month, I encourage everyone to recognize, share and celebrate the historic and ongoing contributions of Jewish Canadians.”
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Watch Mayor Bevilacqua’s Jewish Heritage Month statement video.