Mayor Bevilacqua reflects on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua delivered the following statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day:
“Today, we remember the six-million Jewish victims of the Holocaust and we pay tribute to the survivors.
“We will take time to remember and contemplate this dark time from the past. This is a time for reflection to help educate and enlighten ourselves and others so that atrocities are never repeated.
“This solemn day is also a meaningful reminder that raises awareness and deepens our collective understanding of the lessons of the Holocaust.
“While darkness still exists in the world, we must all play our part to ensure light, and that which is good in all of us, is strong enough to withstand evil in order to safeguard our shared values.
“In Vaughan, our diversity is our strength. We speak 105 different languages and we understand the significance of accepting and supporting the many cultures, creeds and faiths here.
“Our city is home to one of the largest populations of Jewish people outside of Israel. We value our role as a centre for the spiritual, cultural, social and educational needs of Jewish families throughout the GTA and across Canada.
“I encourage everyone to reflect on this day by attending a ceremony commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day or using Vaughan’s vast network of public libraries to learn more.”
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