Statement by Mayor Bevilacqua on Bill 66 changes

City and citizens secure significant win to safeguard local environment
Yesterday evening, the Ontario government announced it will not proceed with Schedule 10 of Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018. The following statement can be attributed to Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua:   
“After consultation with residents and concerned citizens, the City of Vaughan recently approved a motion that made clear we do not support Bill 66 in its present form. Our message to the provincial government was clear – major flaws exist within this legislation and further engagement and analysis is required. The legislation, and specifically Schedule 10, did not reflect the will of Council and our community.
“I am pleased that the provincial government responded positively to our suggestions and concerns by announcing it will not proceed with Schedule 10 of Bill 66. This was the right decision. This is an important win for the citizens of Vaughan and our Council.
“Vaughan Council and our community believes there is a great need to continue to protect the Oak Ridges Moraine and the lands that exist within the Greenbelt.  We also strongly believe that public consultation should be maintained under the proposed legislation, as we seek to ensure it adheres to the Clean Water Act and Vaughan’s Official Plan.
“As we look toward Vaughan’s promising future, we remain committed to safeguarding the health and well-being of our local environment for current and future generations to enjoy. We will continue to protect the Oak Ridges Moraine and the lands of the Greenbelt. Vaughan is a green city with a record on sustainability and stewardship that is second to none. The environment is at the heart of our city-building efforts. We recently opened phase one of the new 900-acre North Maple Regional Park.
“At the same time, we will continue our efforts to strengthen the local economy in a responsible way for our rapidly growing city. Vaughan’s prosperity over the past eight years has been tremendous. We continue to lead Ontario and Canada in economic growth. Cranes tower over the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) and new and transformational investments continue to be attracted to our community including the recent arrival of Niagara University to the VMC, Vaughan’s first-ever university.
“As the revised Bill 66 continues to be debated by the Ontario Legislature, we remain committed to ensuring that any further changes to the legislation reflect the shared values of Vaughan families, businesses and all citizens.
“Let me once again express my sincerest gratitude to the thoughtful, committed and concerned residents who took the time to share their important ideas and insights about the Ontario government’s proposed legislation.”
*Check against delivery
  • Bill 66 is draft provincial legislation first introduced in the Ontario Legislature on Dec. 6, 2018.
  • City of Vaughan staff report: Bill 66 – Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018 – Legislative Review