Mayor Bevilacqua responds to Budget 2018

Vaughan remains committed to working with federal partners

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua has issued the following statement in response to the 2018 federal budget release.

“I welcome the city-building commitments outlined in the federal government’s budget that was brought forward by Finance Minister Bill Morneau on Feb. 27. It is a plan that understands the importance of equality, and works to safeguard and elevate the quality of life for Canadians in communities across our country. This is a budget that renews its promise to invest in the quality public services that municipalities help to deliver each day, including reliable infrastructure, accessible transit and affordable housing.
I am pleased to see a focus placed on strengthening trade. Building and maintaining relations with countries, along with international public and private sector leaders, is fundamental to ensuring we attract job-creating investments here at home. Vaughan continues to actively participate in foreign-direct missions to key global target markets. These economic development missions are opportunities to showcase Vaughan and Canada as leading destinations for businesses to grow, expand service offerings and succeed.
Vaughan has strong relationships across all levels of government. In December, we made history with the opening of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Subway Station – the first time the TTC subway has traveled beyond Toronto. Cranes tower over our city as construction on the Mackenzie Vaughan Hospital continues to progress. Most recently, the Mayor’s Smart City Advisory Task Force was launched and Vaughan is forging ahead by taking part in the Government of Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge announced in last year’s budget.
As we look toward the future, we remain committed to building on our shared success of working together to deliver transformational results for our citizens.”