Planning on visiting a park? Follow these requirements

City of Vaughan
City reminds residents to physically distance, avoid gathering and not share equipment 
The City of Vaughan is reminding citizens to make safety the priority when using recently reopened park amenities this weekend. It is important that everyone stays vigilant and follows protocols designed to help protect the health of the entire community while enjoying public tennis courts, skateboard parks, the dog park and parking lots.
Here are requirements to keep in mind when visiting a Vaughan park:
  • Avoid visiting parks outside of your local neighbourhood or community.
  • Continue to practise physical distancing by keeping a safe distance of at least two metres (approximately six feet) away from others.
  • Avoid common areas and gatherings of more than 10 people, unless from a single household (per provincial guidelines). Congregating in parks and other public spaces while physical distancing measures are in effect is not permitted. Spectating must also be avoided to prevent crowding.
  • Do not share equipment, including tennis racquets, skateboards or personal water bottles.
  • Tennis is only permitted in areas where nets are set up.
  • If using open tennis courts, play singles matches only (doubles may be played with members of your immediate household only) and label personal tennis balls.
  • Remember to gather all your belongings before exiting the park.
  • Do not litter and place personal protective equipment, such as gloves or masks, into the garbage bin when done with them.
  • Always sneeze and cough into your sleeve or a tissue to prevent further transmission of germs.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth when outdoors.
  • Do not visit the park if you are not feeling well. Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.
  • Keep up with good hand hygiene, including washing your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  
These requirements for citizens have also been incorporated into signs, which have been installed in all parks. 
Although the City has reopened some park amenities, others continue to remain closed, including playgrounds, sports fields, outdoor exercise equipment, basketball courts, splashpads, benches and public washrooms. These high-touch, high-traffic surfaces in parks are not sanitized and must be avoided until further notice.
The City has taken a disciplined, responsible and measured approach to implementing precautionary measures to protect citizens and staff from COVID-19. That same approach is guiding decision-making about reopening facilities in the weeks and months ahead. The decision to reopen select amenities is informed by a risk model developed by the City to help determine which should remain closed and when they should reopen – with public safety always being the priority. The risk model uses Vaughan-specific data and reflects guidance issued by York Region Public Health and the provincial government, such as the ongoing extension of province-wide emergency orders.
Any violations of these remaining park facility closures can be reported to Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or Calls of this nature will be referred to the City's By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services department for investigation. Fines of $105 to $400 under the Parks By-law and $500 to $100,000 under the Emergency Measures By-law may be laid. Enforcement Officers continue to actively patrol parks for any violations across the City.
For more information on the City’s response efforts, visit or contact Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or To receive the latest updates as they happen, sign up for City Update eNewsletter at and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels.
For additional information and resources on COVID-19, visit York Region's website at