Premier Wynne Visits Vaughan to Reveal Highway 427 Extension Plans

City of Vaughan

May 16, 2013

Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council joined Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, Transportation Minister Glen Murray, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Linda Jeffrey and Vaughan MPP Steven Del Duca at Conair/Cuisinart Consumer Products in Vaughan today, where the Premier announced the government's commitment to extend Highway 427 to Major Mackenzie Drive. The Premier said the investment is part of the government’s strategy to create jobs, help Ontario create a competitive business environment and help people in their everyday lives.

“This is a major win for the City of Vaughan and the fulfillment of a promise to get the extension of the 427 approved during this term of office,” said Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua. “I am pleased that Premier Wynne and her government acted on this important file. This highway extension will provide economic growth opportunities by better connecting communities, and improving the flow of traffic as well as goods and services in the Vaughan Enterprise Zone, one of the most valuable employment areas in the GTA.”

The Highway 427 extension is included in the Ontario 2013 Budget. If the Budget Bill is passed, construction on the 6.6 kilometre highway extension would begin in 2016/17. The extension is part of the Ontario government’s commitment to improve infrastructure across the province. The extension includes three new interchanges, nine bridges and protection for a future transitway and transit stations along the west side of the highway.

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua speaks about the benefits of the Highway 427 Extension for the City of Vaughan.

The Highway 427 extension will have a major impact on the Vaughan Enterprise Zone, an integrated multi-modal transportation services and economic hub of regional importance in the City’s southwest corner. The Vaughan Enterprise Zone encompasses an area of more than 1,120 hectares (2,767 acres) and is currently home to more than 350 businesses. Future development opportunities in the Enterprise Zone are for 48 million square feet of industrial space with an employment potential of 46,000 jobs.

Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua speaks to reporters about the Highway 427 Extension announcement.

(L to R): Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, Vaughan MPP Steven Del Duca, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Linda Jeffrey, Transportation Minister Glen Murray and Vaughan Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua.