Ready, Resilient, Resourceful

City of Vaughan
City’s RRR Committee recaps Vaughan’s response efforts one year into the global pandemic
Almost one year later and the fight to combat COVID-19 continues. Throughout the global pandemic, the City of Vaughan has been guided by three core values – readiness, resiliency and resourcefulness – which shape its ongoing efforts. In addition to a disciplined and evidence-based approach, the City also works closely with York Region and the Government of Ontario to monitor and adapt to ever-changing conditions.
Despite the pandemic, city-building has not slowed down and departments across the organization have reinvigorated or introduced virtual service offerings. An update on Vaughan’s response to COVID-19 was provided today during the third meeting of the City’s Ready, Resilient and Resourceful (RRR) Committee of Council.
Information was provided in the following areas:
The City’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services department has been and continues to be at the forefront in the fight against COVID-19 and actively enforce provincial regulations, including:
  • the activation of a series of orders prohibiting or restricting business activity under the Emergency Measures and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA). Orders came into effect on March 17, 2020 following the provincial state of emergency announcement.
  • the introduction of a phased system for regulating activity under the EMCPA and related provisions under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 (ROA), with increased restrictions for certain areas in the province. This system was in effect until fall 2020. 
  • the placement of Vaughan and York Region into lockdown, under the Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 response framework.
  • the re-introduction of EMCPA and the announcement of a province-wide lockdown in December 2020. This was followed by a stay-at-home order, which prohibits movement outside one’s residence.
  • the reopening of Vaughan and York Region into the Red-Control zone of the Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 response framework. Eased restrictions were announced in February 2021.
From an enforcement standpoint, COVID-19 has resulted in a significant increase in case files. Since March 2020, City staff have initiated more than 20,015 COVID-19-related case files and issued 192 charges, valued at more than $120,000 in fines. Of those total numbers, more than 11,400 case files and 140 charges were the result of prohibited business activity between November 2020 to March 7, 2021.
COVID-19 has resulted in many unintended challenges for organizations, businesses and citizens and the financial burden continues to be felt. In response, the City implemented many measures in 2020 to support citizens and businesses designed to relieve financial stresses. These included:
  • issuing automatic refunds without penalty for all cancelled camps, programs and permits in response to City facility and amenity closures.
  • introducing additional safety measures and protocols in all aspects of the City’s operations and service delivery.
  • providing financial assistance through deferral of property taxes by waiving the late payment penalty on the interim billing until July 1, 2020 (originally due March 26, April 27 and May 27).
  • deferring the renewals of business licences for existing businesses by up to 90 days.
  • deferring monthly rent payments for not-for-profit tenants within City-owned facilities for three months (April to June 2020).
  • suspending collection of the Municipal Accommodation Tax until Sept. 1, 2020.
  • deferring the annual stormwater charge for 60 days.
  • cancelling the water and wastewater rate increases planned for 2020.
  • implementing workforce re-balancing measures, including temporary layoffs for staff who are unable to work from home due to the nature of their work, re-deployments, deferral of start dates for most of Vaughan’s part-time, seasonal and student workforce, and organizational re-alignments.
  • approving the 2021 Budget and 2022 Financial Plan, which includes a zero per cent increase to the property tax rate.
As the City continues to monitor the virus and work with all levels of government to combat its effects, the degree to which COVID-19 will continue to impact operations remains uncertain – however, a recovery plan is in place. From Phase 1 of the federal-provincial Safe Restart Agreement, Vaughan received $6.15 million of federal relief funding in October to help manage municipal budgets. Phase 2 funding is confirmed for $2.6 million. Other potential measures explored to further mitigate deficiencies in 2020 and 2021 include workforce re-balancing, spending restrictions and additional funding support from senior levels of government, among others.
City staff have worked diligently to implement precautionary measures to protect citizens and staff from transmission of the virus. The decision to close or reopen facilities and amenities is informed by a risk model developed by the City, with public safety always being the priority. The risk model uses Vaughan-specific data and reflects guidance issued by York Region Public Health and the provincial government. Although some of the City’s physical doors remain closed, city-building has not slowed down – in fact, more than $1 billion in building permits were issued in 2020. Essential services remain intact and continue uninterrupted, including fire and emergency response, waste collection, water/wastewater services, by-law and enforcement services and the Access Vaughan contact centre. Many virtual programs have also been introduced through online, teleconference or modified in-person methods, which offer an efficient and safe experience for residents. For an update on initiatives per department, view the March 10, 2021 RRR Committee Report (PDF).
The Maple Community Centre in Vaughan has been identified as a Public Health-led vaccination clinic. Working in close collaboration with York Region Public Health, this site will be the first municipally supported vaccination clinic in Vaughan, with an operational start date to be announced. Once open, the clinic will be able to administer daily vaccinations available by appointment only. Future appointments will be available once capacity allows and vaccine supply is available. Check often for updates. Further details are also available in the March 10, 2021 Mass Vaccination Clinic Update Report (PDF).
All committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at Meeting agendas are posted in the Council and Committee meeting calendar available at
“On March 17, 2021, we will mark one year since Vaughan became the first city in Ontario to declare a state of emergency in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. From the beginning, our priority has been to ensure the health and safety of everyone who lives and works here. At the onset of the pandemic, the City of Vaughan took immediate action to protect our community while guaranteeing the continued delivery of programs and essential services. Since then, we have introduced more than 160 process improvements and innovations to deliver Service Excellence to the people of Vaughan. As the fight against COVID-19 evolves, the City continues to work around the clock and collaborate with all levels of government to address the impacts on our community. In May 2020, I brought forward a Member’s Resolution to establish a committee with a mandate to report on issues related to the City’s ongoing response efforts to COVID-19. Through the RRR Committee of Council, we are laser-focused on developing a fulsome post-pandemic economic recovery plan. The Vaughan spirit is ready, resilient and resourceful. Our priority is on the path forward. While we have come a long way, our journey is not over yet. However, hope is on the horizon. Vaccines are the most important tool in our arsenal; they will help bring this pandemic to an end. As we look toward the future, I am confident that by working together and supporting each other, we will emerge stronger.”
-        Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
“As COVID-19 persists, the City of Vaughan’s dedicated employees have not slowed down. The global pandemic abruptly changed the traditional way of doing business – but the City was well prepared. Across the organization, every department has risen to the challenge to continue city-building and provide the quality public services people rely on every day. To help guide response efforts, the Ready, Resilient and Resourceful (RRR) Committee of Council was unanimously endorsed in June 2020 to report on issues related to the virus, explain how staff will adapt to new restrictions and communicate support measures in place to aid the city’s citizens, businesses and staff. The City has a plan and a structure of how to implement that plan – staff are vital in delivering and executing both these pieces. I want to thank Vaughan’s entire workforce – everyone working on the frontlines, outside, in City facilities or at home – you continue to be the City’s greatest resource and asset in the fight against COVID-19. Thank you for your hard work and continued efforts in ensuring Vaughan’s resiliency throughout the global pandemic.”
-        Jim Harnum, City Manager
  • Vaughan was the first city in Ontario and the first municipality in York Region to declare a state of emergency on March 17, 2020.
  • Unanimously endorsed by Council during the May 27, 2020 Council Meeting, the mandate of the RRR Committee is to report on issues related to the City’s ongoing COVID-19 response efforts and plan for Vaughan’s post-pandemic future.  
  • To date, the RRR Committee has held three virtual meetings: June 23, 2020, Sept. 29, 2020 and March 10, 2021. All committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and streamed live at
  • A Ready, Resilient, Resourceful Roadmap has been created and provides the key objectives and framework for the City’s response, mitigation and recovery related to the COVID-19 emergency.
  • Throughout the pandemic, the City of Vaughan has ensured quality services are delivered for families, businesses and all citizens. The priority remains the health, safety and well-being of everyone that lives and works in the community.
  • Vaughan continues to take a disciplined, responsible and measured approach to reopening the city. As some restrictions are lifted, other precautionary measures remain in place to protect everyone in the community from further transmission of COVID-19. Visit for more information on ongoing services, recent reopenings, continued closures and programs that have been impacted by the virus.
  • Throughout the pandemic, citizens have been encouraged to report any COVID-19 violations through Access Vaughan by calling 905-832-2281 or emailing All recorded cases are directed to By-law for investigation in priority sequence.
  • Those who feel unwell, and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19, should contact York Region Public Health at 1-800-361-5653 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on COVID-19, including physical distancing tips and advice from Public Health officials, visit York Region's website at