Registration for Spring and Summer Programs Set to Begin

Registration for Vaughan summer day camps starts next week, with enrolment for general programs and swimming courses beginning later this month.

Registration Start Dates:

Summer day camps                           February 20 and 21 (refer to camp location)

General programs:                              February 22

Swimming lessons                             February 26: Al Palladini, Chancellor, Dufferin Clark, Father E. Bulfon, Garnet A. Williams, Thornhill Outdoor and Woodbridge pools

Swimming lessons                             February 27: Maple and North Thornhill pools

Swimming lessons                             February 28: Vellore Village pool

Swimming Leadership                        Ongoing 

Programs are available for all interests and abilities, from preschoolers to older adults. Registered programs at the City’s community centres include:

  • Language
  • Science and technology
  • Culinary classes
  • Creative and performing arts
  • Health and wellness
  • Sports
  • Ice-skating
  • Swimming
  • Leadership lessons

New programs include a Petits Chefs cooking workshop for children and a special needs art class run in partnership with the McMichael Canadian Art Collection. The City Playhouse Academy in Thornhill runs specialty theatre and dance programs.

March Break camps for children and youth ages 2 ½ to 16 include: AquaAdventures, Break March Up, Leaders by Example, March Madness and Teen Fitness Camp. These camps feature activities such as arts and crafts, games, drama, music, sports, swimming, skating and special events. March Break camps are already open for registration.

During the summer school break, there are more than 50 different one- and two-week camps for children and youth ages three to 16. Types of summer camps include: outdoor adventure, recreational, sports, creative and performing arts, culinary arts, science and technology leadership, special needs and water adventures. Most camps offer recreational swimming, busing and extended day camp options.

New summer day camps feature the following:

  • Kids A Cookin’
  • Hot Shots Art Studio
  • Six Strings Guitar Camp
  • Summer Theatre Spectacular
  • The Production Crew
  • Trip Takers Junior
  • We Got Game
  • Yabba Dabba Dance
  • A series of Mad Science Camps including Machine Maniacs, Rocket Camp and Secret Agent Lab.

For general and aquatic programs, residents can register for both spring and summer sessions at the same time.

For a complete list of general and aquatic programs, and summer day camps, view the Recreation eGuide on the City's website. This publication provides direct program links to online registration at

The 2013 Spring & Summer Recreation Guide is available at all community centres, libraries and City Hall. Included in the guide are free fitness, swim and sports passes found in the Your Community section. For more information or assistance, call the Recreation and Culture Department at 905-832-8500.

sist, a fee assistance program that subsidizes the cost of recreation and culture programs, is available to low-income individuals and families in Vaughan. For information on how to qualify for RecAssist, call the Recreation and Culture Department at 905-832-8500 or email