Service Vaughan is expanding!

City staff servicing a tree

Submit select tree-related requests online

The City of Vaughan’s website is your one-stop shop for City services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And that includes the ability to submit the following tree-related requests online through Service Vaughan!  


Tree and bench dedication applications

The City’s Tree and Bench Dedication program provides an opportunity to beautify your neighbourhood and pay tribute to a person or occasion by purchasing a park bench or planting a new tree and plaque. You can donate a bench or plaque to celebrate occasions such as:

  • Anniversaries
  • Birthdays
  • Celebration of life
  • Milestones


You can apply for this program online through Service Vaughan.


Tree removal permits and protection

If you are looking to remove a tree from private property, you must first determine if the tree is 20 centimetres in diameter or greater, then follow the steps below:

  1. Confirm ownership of the tree. If the trunk of the tree is on another property, agreement of tree removal is required by all property owners.
  2. Hire an arborist to prepare an arborist report. The arborist can apply for a permit on your behalf if you provide them with written consent to do so.
  3. Visit to complete the appropriate application forms. 

Once your request has been submitted, a City forestry inspector will conduct a site visit and issue a permit, provided the arborist report and replanting plan (where applicable) are accepted. Please note the standard initial response time is 30 business days.


If a permit is granted, it must be posted in a prominent location that is visible to the public.


The City recognizes the significant role the urban tree canopy plays in providing an improved quality of life. Preserving and protecting healthy trees will help the City achieve its commitment to maintaining and enhancing the urban forest and environment. The Tree Protection By-law 052-2018 (PDF) regulates the planting, maintenance and removal of trees on public and private property in Vaughan. Under the by-law, an offence may include destroying a tree or injuring a tree without a permit, failing to protect a tree that is identified for protection in the permit conditions or failing to comply with an order.


Access agreements

An Access Agreement is required if you’re looking to conduct work on City lands, like surveying property to install a pool in your backyard. You can apply online through


Forestry subdivision inspections

Contractors are required to submit a Forestry Subdivision Inspection application for all subdivisions that are pending assumption by the City. They can apply online through


The Service Vaughan team is standing by ready to respond to your inquiries. Call 905-832-2281 or email for assistance. Call centre hours are on Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., with after-hour service available for municipal emergencies.


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