Attend the Official Plan Review Open House on Sept. 26

OPR Open House

Through the Official Plan Review, the City is helping to shape the future of Vaughan. The review is well underway – and the updated plan is one step closer to completion. As part of its development, the draft Part A Official Plan Amendment has been released. This is the first of a two-part formal document detailing updates to the City’s existing Official Plan. Part B will be ready for review by early 2024. 


Want to learn more about what changes are being proposed? Have questions about what the updated Plan will include? Interested to know when it’s being approved? An Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 26 – come talk to the City planners updating the Vaughan Official Plan!


Taking place at the Maple Community Centre (10190 Keele St.), the Open House will run from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Drop by anytime to speak to the project team about:

  • the review process – including what steps have been taken to date, how the draft plan is taking shape, what the approval process looks like and more.

  • the draft Part A Official Plan Amendment – including what changes are being proposed, when Part B will be drafted and more. 

  • the Phase 2 Engagement Summary Report (which will be released in advance of the Open House) – including how the community was engaged, how feedback has been incorporated and more. 


For details, visit


Want to learn more? Answers to your frequently asked Official Plan Review questions are below: 


What is an Official Plan?

An Official Plan outlines the vision for the future of a city, including responsible governance, sustainable planning, economic leadership, transparency, accountability and inclusivity. It is a strategic planning document that establishes a policy and growth framework to guide the physical, social, environmental and economic development of a city’s communities into 2051. The Vaughan Official Plan:

  • implements goals, objectives and land use policies to serve the community.

  • directs density, housing supply, protection of environmental features and agricultural areas, cultural heritage preservation and more.

  • guides growth and development to implement the vision for Vaughan’s long-term evolution.


The updated Vaughan Official Plan must align with new provincial policies, plans and growth targets for people and jobs. 


Why is the Vaughan Official Plan being reviewed? 

Vaughan’s communities are constantly growing and changing. Vaughan is one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, with a population of more than 344,412 people and 240,100 jobs in 2022. Now through 2051, Vaughan will become home to 228,800 more people, bringing the total expected population to 570,400 people. Additionally, businesses in the city will offer 111,400 more jobs, bringing the total employment figure to approximately 351,500 jobs. This expected growth will account for almost one-third of York Region’s growth over the next three decades. The City is updating the existing Vaughan Official Plan 2010 to better meet the needs of current and future residents, workers and visitors, and help guide this expansive growth to ensure Vaughan continues to be a great place to live, work and play. 


What is an Official Plan Amendment?

An Official Plan Amendment is a formal document that details updates or changes to an Official Plan. Vaughan’s Official Plan Review is being completed in two parts: Part A Official Plan Amendment (Conformity) and Part B Official Plan Amendment. The intention of the two-part process is to meet the November 2023 statutory adoption deadline to conform with the updated York Region Official Plan through Part A, and provide updates beyond conformity through Part B.


What will be included in each Official Plan Amendment and when will they be completed?

The Part A Official Plan Amendment (Conformity) is targeted for adoption in November 2023. This document outlines what updates are needed to the Vaughan Official Plan 2010. Part A is strictly a conformity exercise to align the City’s current Official Plan with updated provincial policies, plans and legislations, and the revised York Region Official Plan 2022. Feedback received to-date, including background research and best practices, will be addressed in the Part B Official Plan Amendment. 


The Part B Official Plan Amendment is targeted for adoption in late March 2024. Part B includes updates to the existing Official Plan beyond the scope of conformity and considers all feedback and research compiled throughout the review process. This document will detail what policy enhancements are required in key areas identified during the review, such as the vision and guiding principles, parks and open space, climate change, transportation, active transportation and infrastructure, urban design, public realm, and sustainable development.


Has the community been involved?

Yes! Members of the public have been engaged since the start of the review process. Feedback received from all engagement opportunities, including workshops, webinars, surveys, community meetings and more, has been vital as it was used to help City staff identify community needs, determine focus areas and establish priorities. This informed the creation of the Final Policy Directions Report (PDF) for the draft updated Official Plan. All Phase 1 feedback is captured in the Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report (PDF). 


How can I stay informed?

Learn more about the City’s Official Plan Review at You can also request to join the Official Plan Review email list – call 905-832-2281, ext. 8699 or email to be added.


For updates and news as they happen, subscribe to Vaughan News and follow the official corporate channels on TwitterFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn.