Answering your top questions about Vaughan’s planning process

Planning process

Do you know what it takes to build a world-class city like Vaughan? As one of the fastest growing cities in Canada, Vaughan is constantly evolving. But new buildings don’t just pop up overnight – all development applications undergo a careful review by City staff, Vaughan Council and public agencies, where appropriate. 


Did you know you can also have a say? Have you ever wondered about the process to approve applications? Or how they’re reviewed? The City’s Planning and Growth and Management portfolio answers your top questions about the planning process.


How does the City manage development? 

Development is a broad term referring to any activity that results in a change of land use, construction of a new building or the creation of a parcel of land. The following types of policies, plans and by-laws are what guide development in Vaughan:

  • Provincial and regional plans and policies, which regulate land use, establish a vision, set population and employment targets, and dictate areas for development. 

  • Vaughan’s Official Plan, which is a decision-making roadmap on land development, economic growth, urban design, the environment and more.

  • Secondary Plans, which define all elements needed for development, including roads, active transportation, parks, key infrastructure and more.

  • Zoning By-laws, which provide specific standards for how development and construction can occur on a property.


Learn more about how we plan


Does the City review all development applications? 

The City considers all development applications to ensure consistency with municipal, regional and provincial plans and policies. The following six types of applications, governed by the Planning Act, are reviewed by staff and Council: 

  • Draft Plan of Condominiums

  • Draft Plan of Subdivisions

  • Official Plan Amendments

  • Part-Lot Control Exceptions

  • Site Development Applications

  • Zoning By-law Amendments

 Learn more about these development applications.


Staff also provide planning assistance to the public, landowners and developers, and provide professional planning advice for Council’s consideration. 


When do proposals get approved? 

Before a proposal is approved, it must go through the following four-step process:

  • Step 1: Pre-applications are submitted to the City. Once the application has been submitted, a sign is posted on the site in question to let the community know what is being proposed. A written notice is also sent to all residents living within 150 metres (sometimes more) of the site, informing them of an upcoming public meeting to discuss the proposal.

  • Step 2: Public meetings are held to share the proposed application. During this meeting, the landowner will present the draft plan and members of the community will have an opportunity to provide input. Please note, no decisions are made at this time. 

  • Step 3: City staff review the application. Following the public meeting, City staff review the application and prepare a formal report for Council’s review at a future Committee of the Whole meeting. During this meeting, an official recommendation on the application will be made.

  • Step 4: Council makes a decision. At the following Council meeting, Members of Council will hold a formal vote to approve, amend or refuse the application. 


Learn more about how planning decisions are made.


How can I submit feedback on a proposal? 

There are several ways you can have a say, including:

  1. Participating in a Committee of the Whole meeting by speaking live via teleconference/telephone or submitting a written communication as part of an agenda item. To pre-register to speak, complete the Request to Speak form or call Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281. All written communications can be emailed to the Office of the City Clerk at

  2. Speaking directly with your local Councillor. You may telephone or email comments directly to a Member of Council of choice. 

  3. Contacting the City planner on file directly by phone, email or letter. Contact details are found on the public meeting notice sent by mail, or you can contact Service Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or


Learn more about how you can get involved in planning matters. 


Can anyone attend a public meeting?

Yes! Visit for a full schedule of upcoming public meetings and agendas. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can watch a livestream of it at


Where can I get more information on the planning process? 

Visit A digital step-by-step guide (PDF) is also available, in addition to this video


Learn more about what happens in a public meeting by watching this video


You can also learn more about any proposal on PLANit, the City’s development application tracking platform, at


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