Vaughan approves 2017 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Budget

City of Vaughan
Water conservation was the theme as Vaughan Council passed the 2017 Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Budget today. The discussion focused on the fact that both the City and residents must work together to manage consumption.

Water is an important natural resource that needs to be managed efficiently for a sustainable and healthy community. This budget determines how much homeowners and businesses pay, and identifies the resources required to operate and maintain the City’s infrastructure.
The approved budget means the average household will pay an additional $1.29 per month or $15.52 annually for water and wastewater. The average household uses 267 cubic metres of water per year. One cubic metre equals 1,000 litres of water or 2,000 500-millilitre bottles of water. That means residents pay $3.78 for the amount of water that is in 2,000 bottles. A flat stormwater charge also will be applied annually based on the type of property. A detached home, for example, will pay $50 in 2017.
The rate increase will allow the City to continue to provide safe drinking water, operate and maintain current infrastructure, such as pipes, and save for future needs.
Water is billed based on how much a household uses, which is determined by their water meter. Residents can lower their water bill by checking their home for leaks and taking simple steps to conserve water. These tips are small changes that can make a big difference:
  • Sweep your driveway instead of washing it
  • Turn the tap off while you brush your teeth
  • Fill the sink rather than letting the water run while shaving, washing vegetables or cleaning dishes by hand
  • Run your dishwasher and washing machine only with a full load
For more conservation tips, visit
  • Residents pay $3.78 for the amount of water that is in 2,000 500-millilitre bottles.
  • The 2017 water and wastewater rates are combined and equal a 1.56 per cent increase over the 2016 rates.
  • Prior to 2017, stormwater was included in the wastewater rate. It is now a separate charge on the water bill and is based on the amount of run-off from the property.
  • The stormwater charge combined with the 2017 water and wastewater rates equals an overall increase of 9.55 per cent.
  • Water, wastewater and stormwater are regulated services and must meet legislated requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, Environmental Protection Act and the Clean Water Act.
  • The water consumed in Vaughan is taken from Lake Ontario and treated by the City of Toronto and the Region of Peel. It is then stored and supplied by York Region.
  • The City of Vaughan provides safe drinking water to all of its 84,000 residences and 3,100 businesses.