Vaughan citizens celebrated at annual Volunteer Recognition Awards

City of Vaughan
Volunteers in the city of Vaughan continue to make a positive impact with their heroic efforts in the community. These dedicated individuals give back, advocate for many great causes and contribute to our vibrant civic life. Volunteering is a selfless and rewarding undertaking that we can all do.
Every year, in celebration of National Volunteer Week, not-for-profit organizations and community groups are invited to nominate an individual whose incredible actions make a commendable difference in the city. Since 2003, the City has recognized more than 1,600 members of the community and their relentless support for others. People of every age have given their time and talent to help protect our environment, promote cultural events, raise funds for worthy causes and help wherever it’s needed most.
This year, 81 people were honoured with the Volunteer Recognition Award. Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council presented the award to 68 people who attended the annual event yesterday. The evening included a performance of the national anthem by Rishita Barua.

“Canadians are known to be fundamentally giving, and in the city of Vaughan, the spirit of generosity is evident in everything we do. We have a proud and unrivalled history of volunteering and community involvement in our city, and I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all those being honoured with these awards and to everyone who dedicates themselves to help their fellow citizens. The value that these committed residents bring to our neighbourhoods is immeasurable – they are the reason we have a united and strong community. These volunteers do it all and deserve to be recognized for their charitable efforts because they truly are the heroes among us.”
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • National Volunteer Week takes place each year in April. This year, the week is celebrated from April 15 to 21.
  • The annual week pays tribute to the millions of Canadian volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to making a difference in their local community.
  • Canadians volunteered close to two billion hours in 2013. Source: Statistics Canada 
  • City of Vaughan Volunteer Recognition webpage
  • Volunteer Canada webpage