Vaughan has bold dreams and big plans for Canada’s 150th birthday

City of Vaughan

Community events and activities will inspire participation and celebration

In preparation for Canada’s milestone 150th birthday in 2017, the City of Vaughan is dreaming big about our country and our community. A year-long community celebration is being planned, and will include a wide range of engaging and creative activities for everyone to enjoy. Mark your calendar for some exciting upcoming events.

Dream Weaver Project

Canada 150 is about celebrating our nation’s history and honouring our First Nations heritage. Vaughan schools, community service organizations and businesses will be invited to awaken their bold, imaginative thinking in a citywide exercise to creatively capture our vision and wishes for our future. The collective art project will see the creation of a number of original dream weavers that will be collected and transformed into a public art display installed in various spaces across the city. Participants will receive a toolkit with instructions and materials, and are encouraged to use their imaginations. This initiative is expected to launch in March.

VaughanLink Ambassador Program

Volunteers are the heartbeat of any city. The VaughanLink Ambassador Program will welcome and encourage volunteers to be part of the Canada 150 experience and contribute to the lasting impact the commemorative year will have on Vaughan citizens. Ambassadors will be tasked with showing their community spirit with pride while assisting at special City events and festivals, spreading the news about exciting local events and being advocates of arts and culture. A training session, as well as information and promotional items, will be provided. The program is expected to begin in April.

Interactive Gaming Challenge

Video game culture is a growing niche, with the power to inspire open community spaces where innovation, discovery, teamwork and expression can take shape. The City of Vaughan, in partnership with community organizations and businesses, will launch a friendly gaming challenge inviting local youth to come together, create teams and demonstrate their creativity in a fun and engaging way. The event is expected to take place in September in the Citys new downtown — the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre.


“We know we live in the best country in the world and throughout 2017 we will all show our pride and patriotism, and demonstrate our love and respect for this great nation we all call home. Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation gives us an opportunity to celebrate Vaughan’s diversity, inspire civic pride and tell the stories that make up the cultural fabric of our vibrant community. This landmark year is an historic, once-in-a-lifetime moment, with the power to bring people together. As we reflect on the incredible growth and transformation that is taking place across our city, we must continue to look toward our future with a spirit of generosity, innovation and inclusivity. I look forward to engaging all Vaughan residents in what will undoubtedly be an exciting and memorable year.
-Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua


  • Canada’s 150th birthday is also known as the sesquicentennial.
  • The City received $70,200 in grant monies under the Department of Canadian Heritage Canada 150 Fund.
  • The City also applied for grants through Ontario150, which provides funding for local celebrations, community partnerships and improvements to existing infrastructure.
  • As part of a beautification strategy for 2017, select sites within the city will be decorated with commemorative hanging baskets, large flower pots, banners and flags, and various flower bed arrangements with colourful bulbs, wild flowers or perennials.
  • The City of Vaughan is also the recipient of a $25,000 grant through the CN EcoConnexions From the Ground Up program, which will fund local tree-planting projects, as well as provide for a special plaque and ceremonial tree in commemoration of Canada’s 150th anniversary.
  • On July 1, the City will celebrate Canada Day in style with a grand fête at Boyd Conservation Park.
  • Community groups and cultural organizations are invited to submit their 2017 Canada 150 event or celebration initiative to the City’s online event calendar.
  • The community is encouraged to follow and participate in the conversation online using #VaughanCAN150.
  • The Vaughan Canada 150 celebration task force is co-chaired by Ward 4 Councillor Sandra Yeung Racco and Ward 5 Councillor Alan Shefman, with Regional Councillor Mario Ferri and Regional Councillor Gino Rosati also representing Council on the team.
  • The task force also includes citizens from each Ward and representatives from community organizations.
  • The group has been consulting residents, businesses and community organizations to collect ideas and develop recommendations for how Vaughan can make meaningful contributions to help mark the commemorative year.