Vaughan Students Discuss Teen Issues At City's Third Annual Youth Forum
The issues and challenges affecting Vaughan’s young people were discussed during the City’s third annual Youth Forum held at Vaughan City Hall on Monday, November 26. Organized by the City of Vaughan in partnership with York Regional Police, the event drew more than 70 grade 10 and 11 students from Vaughan secondary schools who discussed topics such as depression and suicide, social media dangers, substance abuse and youth needs regarding the City’s recreation services and parks and libraries.
The forum provided youth with information, tools and resources regarding the issues and concerns they face on a daily basis, with the goal of creating a strong foundation for empowerment and positive change. The event included presentations by the Canadian Mental Health Association, York Regional Police, York Region Community and Health Services, and the City’s Recreation & Culture Department in collaboration with Monteith Brown Planning Consultants. Discussions at the forum included:
• Canadian Mental Health Association: straight talk about depression and suicide, specifically symptoms, causes, treatment and resources for young people.
• York Regional Police: the consequences and hazards of social media relating to the growing concerns today’s youth face when online.
• York Region Community and Health Services: injury and substance prevention concerning the four most commonly used substances among youth - alcohol, caffeine, cannabis and non-medical use of prescription medication.
• The Recreation & Culture Department and Monteith Brown Planning Consultants: trends in parks, recreation and library activities, levels of satisfaction, current and future needs and the City's role in engaging youth in recreational activities. (This public consultation relates to the City’s review of the Active Together Master Plan as Vaughan examines how its parks, recreation and library services are provided to the community. A draft plan, to be presented to the public in early 2013, is being developed to ensure that City services and facilities meet the demand and needs of residents now and until 2031.)
The Youth Forum is an Active Together initiative. Launched in 2009, the goals of Active Together are to increase the physical activity levels of Vaughan residents by ten per cent by the year 2020.
The Youth Forum is an Active Together initiative. Launched in 2009, the goals of Active Together are to increase the physical activity levels of Vaughan residents by ten per cent by the year 2020.
For more information about Active Together or the Youth Forum contact Heather McLean, Active Living Coordinator at 905-832-2377 ext. 7438 or This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it