Vaughan Turns Forensic Audit Over to Police

​Oct. 9, 2013

Today the City of Vaughan has turned the results of a recently conducted forensic audit over to York Regional Police. 

An external forensic auditor was retained in June, at City Council’s direction, to investigate suspected fraudulent activities involving a former employee in the Engineering and Public Works Commission, as well as several external vendors. The City immediately turned over the results of the forensic audit to police for further investigation. 

Early in this term of Council, Vaughan Council redefined the City’s Internal Audit function in reflection of its strategic objective of ensuring a high performing organization. The suspected fraud was first discovered by management during an internal audit, which revealed questionable vendor payments. 

The City takes this matter very seriously and will fully co-operate with the police. Vaughan Council and the administration will not tolerate acts of fraud or misrepresentation. 

As this is now a police matter, all inquiries should be directed to Mike Elliott, York Regional Police, at 1-905-830-0303, ext. 6615.