The VMC is evolving – learn how and have a say!

VMC Secondary Plan Open House

The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is the largest and most ambitious development project in the City of Vaughan’s history – and the downtown core continues to transform. With its rapid growth, comes an increased interest in residential developments, office and retail space, and other services, amenities and public parks. To help guide this evolution, the City is updating the existing VMC Secondary Plan – and your help is needed! 


Community feedback has been a vital part of this update. In 2020, the City kicked it off by collecting input on the issues, strengths and opportunities in the area. In 2021, residents were able to learn more about those findings and provide further feedback. In 2022, preferred land use options were shared, and residents could envision what the future VMC may look like. 


Want to learn how the City is implementing these ideas into the updated plan? Attend an upcoming Open House to review the draft framework for future growth and development, share comments and ask questions directly to the project team. Here are the details: 

  • When: Thursday, Sept. 14 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Where: Vaughan Studios & Event Space, David Braley Vaughan Metropolitan Centre of Community, 200 Apple Mill Rd., Studio A1, third floor
  • Registration: confirm your attendance here

Can’t attend in person? Materials will be available for review and comment online at from Friday, Sept. 8 until Thursday, Sept. 28.


All feedback collected will be used to help inform the updated plan. Once finished, the new plan will guide the VMC’s development into a complete community that includes a balanced mix of residential, office and retail space, and other services, amenities, parks and open space for you to enjoy.


The VMC Secondary Plan

A Secondary Plan defines all the elements needed for successful development, including new roads and active transportation routes, open spaces and parks, policies to establish land uses and key infrastructure requirements. While the City’s current VMC Secondary Plan provides a strong framework for growth and land utilization, an update is needed to reflect new provincial and regional policies and to ensure the existing planning framework is still relevant.


In addition to public consultation, a number of supporting studies also are underway that will help inform the VMC Secondary Plan Update, including the VMC Parks and Wayfinding Master Plan, the VMC Transportation Master Plan Update and the Integrated Urban Water Plan. 


Once finalized, this update will result in a revised secondary plan that supports the City’s downtown as a complete community to 2051 and beyond. Learn more at


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