Welcoming the next generation of firefighters!

VFRS graduating class, councillors and mayor

Eighteen graduates join Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service

Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service (VFRS) is dedicated to providing efficient emergency response, and fire protection, prevention, safety and education to those who live, work and visit the city. Tonight, the next generation of firefighters was officially welcomed into the Service – ready to take on these vital roles – at a graduation ceremony held at Vaughan City Hall.


In total, 18 recruits graduated, and two firefighters were presented with awards in celebration of their commitment to keeping Vaughan safe.


During the ceremony, graduates were awarded with completion certificates and presented with their official caps and challenge coins. Mayor Steven Del Duca and Fire Chief Andrew Zvanitajs expressed their gratitude to the firefighters for their commitment to protect the Vaughan community.


The recruits recently completed a rigorous 12-week program, which included training in operations, prevention, public education, as well as emergency medical assessment and treatment. Every year, hundreds of individuals apply to join VFRS, with only a few dozen being considered for final job offers. 




“Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service is a team of highly-trained and skilled professionals who have answered the call of public service and chosen to dedicate their lives to ensuring the safety and protection of our families, neighbours and public spaces. The newest generation of Vaughan firefighters is joining a proud tradition of courage, compassion and honour. I am pleased to welcome this year’s graduates to the Service and extend my deepest gratitude to all members of VFRS for their unwavering commitment to keeping our community safe.”

- Mayor Steven Del Duca


“Hundreds of people apply to Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service every year, but only a select few have what it takes to serve our city with pride and honour. Today, 18 recruits join our ranks, and I am so proud of the hard work and dedication they have shown during their 12 weeks of training. Everything they have learned has led to this moment. Congratulations to the class of 2023!”

- Fire Chief Andrew Zvanitajs



  • VFRS has 308 firefighters, 364 staff and 357 uniformed personnel.
  • The City of Vaughan has 10 fire stations that provide full-service emergency response within city borders; help to neighbouring municipalities is also provided, when necessary.
  • The firefighter recruitment process can take more than six months due to the various steps and tough competition.