What do you think about the Promenade Centre Secondary Plan?

City of Vaughan
Provide feedback until July 23 to help guide future development in the area

A home to many, a place to shop, gather and grow – the area around the Promenade mall, known as the Promenade Centre, is under review. As the City’s Promenade Centre Secondary Plan Study continues, the community is once again invited to get involved. Last week, a virtual public open house was held to present the draft land use plan and multi-modal transportation network for the area. In addition, participants received an update on the study’s progress, heard next steps and asked questions. Now until Friday, July 23, individuals can view the open house presentation and provide further comments to the project team through an online comment form (PDF) or by email at promenadecentre@vaughan.ca.
As outlined in the Vaughan Official Plan 2010, the City of Vaughan is undertaking the Promenade Centre Secondary Plan Study. The study area is bounded by Centre Street, Bathurst Street, Clark Avenue West and New Westminster Drive, which includes the Promenade mall and surrounding area. Once complete, the secondary plan will establish a vision and key principles, in addition to providing the policy framework and resulting land use plan to help guide future development. The plan will provide for a residential mixed-use and transit-supportive complete community and include an extensive transportation study to help move people through the area by all modes of travel – walking, cycling, transit and driving.
Public input continues to be an integral part of this study. Feedback has been gathered throughout the study process, including via multiple public open houses and a pop-up event. And the conversation continues. Visit vaughan.ca/PromenadeCentre to watch a video of the recorded open house presentation and review  study materials. Individuals are encouraged to email written comments, feedback until Friday, July 23, 2021  via email at promenadecentre@vaughan.ca or via the online comment form (PDF).
For more information on the secondary plan or how to get involved, visit vaughan.ca/PromenadeCentre.