Working 24-7 to keep Vaughan safe

City of Vaughan
By-law team is prioritizing COVID-19-related calls during busy shopping season

As the number of COVID-19 cases rises, the City of Vaughan’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services department continues to be at the forefront of educating the public and enforcing by-laws designed to break the chain of transmission of this global pandemic.
To respond to the larger call volume related to COVID-19 and the demands of being in the Red-Control level in the Province of Ontario’s tiered Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework, the City has increased its response and redeployed additional enforcement officers to focus on COVID-19. This strategy is designed to delay or avoid Vaughan moving to the Grey-Lockdown level.
Calls are being taken on a priority basis, with unsafe COVID-19 matters taking precedence over non-urgent ones. Enforcement of water by-laws and short-term rental investigations will continue without disruption, as will calls about parking, signs and animal services. There may be delays to all other general by-law service calls and case files for the time being.
Most recently, the team’s focus has been on malls, big box and retail stores, restaurants and other businesses to ensure public health measures are being met. This is part of a co-ordinated regional approach. 
York Region is sharing the following tips to shop safely throughout the holidays: 
  • Before going out, make sure what you’re looking for cannot be ordered online from a local business.
  • If you must go into a store, try and time your trip for off-peak hours where it will be easier to maintain physical distancing with others.
  • Inquire about curbside pickup and other safety shopping measures the store has in place.
  • Plan and know what you need from each store to limit the amount of time you spend there.
  • Follow the rules set out by the store and please be patient if waiting in line due to occupancy limits.
  • Follow directional arrows and store signs set out by staff as these are in place for everyone’s safety.
  • A face mask or covering is required while in public spaces, including retail stores.
  • Know the new regulations required of malls and retailers. 
Guidance and resources to help businesses operate more safely during COVID-19 are available at and
Since Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua declared a state of emergency on March 17, more than 9,300 COVID-19-related investigations have taken place. This current enforcement blitz builds on Operation Guardian, an enforcement campaign launched by By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services in April to pursue charges for violations of by-laws and provincial orders. At that time, all available officers were deployed to focus on issues such as waste, litter and adherence to provincial physical distancing regulations.
Staying safe
York Region is asking residents to take the following steps to stop the spread of COVID-19:
  • Stay home as much as possible and limit close contact to those in your immediate household.
  • Practice physical distancing with anyone outside of your household by staying two metres away from everyone else.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
  • Practise respiratory etiquette.
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Wear a face mask or covering when inside public places and when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Clean high-touch surfaces often.
  • Download the COVID-Alert app.

Looking for more information? 

For more information or to report a by-law infraction please contact Access Vaughan at 905-832-2281 or 
Stay up to date with the latest response efforts by frequently checking Citizens are also encouraged to sign up for the City’s eNewsletter at and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for news as it is released.  
Those who feel unwell, and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19, should contact York Region Public Health or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on the virus, visit York Region's website at