Don’t let summer pass you by!

There is still time to register for camps starting July 4


There's still time to register your kids for a summer adventure – choose from the City of Vaughan’s biggest summer camp lineup ever! There are more than 75 unique camps and 25 new camps for kids with specialties in creative, culinary and performing arts, enrichment, leadership, recreation, sports, outdoor and water adventures.


It’s peak dandelion season

These weeds are not harmful to pets, lawns or gardens


It’s that time of year again – the bees are buzzing, and dandelions are popping up just about everywhere. Peak growing season for these persistent weeds is happening now and will last until June. While they can be an eyesore, dandelions are not harmful to your pets, lawn or garden – they are a part of Vaughan’s natural landscape and are an important food source for pollinators. 


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