Keep fire hydrants clear of leaves and debris

Learn about your role in helping support Vaughan’s emergency fire response


October is Fire Prevention Month, an important time to educate citizens and businesses about taking proactive steps to prevent fires. Blocked, concealed or difficult-to-access fire hydrants can delay emergency fire response. In an emergency, every second matters, and citizens have a role to play in keeping fire hydrants clear and accessible.

Only rain down the drain!

Clear catch basins near your home of leaves and debris to prevent flooding


Fallen leaves may be pretty, but they can cause flooding when covering catch basins on rainy days. These drains collect stormwater and carry it through storm sewers to local waterways, helping to keep Vaughan’s roads clear of pooling water. This is why it’s crucial for the resident living closest to the catch basin to regularly clear it of leaves and other debris, especially before a rainfall or thunderstorm.

What’s open and closed in Vaughan on Thanksgiving

City service changes and modified hours on Monday, Oct. 11

It’s almost time to say “thanks” and eat delicious food with loved ones this holiday weekend. But do you know what’s open and closed in Vaughan on Thanksgiving? The City of Vaughan is reminding everyone of the following facility closures and modified hours in effect on Monday, Oct. 11.

Municipal facilities

Sort waste right this Thanksgiving

Learn where to dispose of everyday cooking and dining items


Mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, turkey and apple pie – these are some of the foods you may be looking forward to enjoying on Thanksgiving. But do you know where to dispose of everyday cooking and dining items, such as aluminum trays, paper plates and leftover food? The City of Vaughan is providing helpful tips for citizens on how to sort these items correctly to help reduce what’s sent to the landfill and make collection days run smoothly.

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